Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Deals here and there...

Here are this week deals at Dillons.
They are still doing the $3 off 10 item deals......

Ever wondered about using a company's coupon on a different item? Or thought it wouldn't work? WELL--here is the secret!! It CAN and DOES work sometimes!

Print your own cleaning supply coupons and save at Walgreens this week.
I plan on this:
Transaction 1:
Fusion Gamer on sale $8.99
Use $4.00 MQ {2/8 P&G}
OOP $4.99, receive $6 RR

Transaction 2:
2 Scrubbing Bubbles wipes $3/2
printed $3/2 MQ
2 windex wipes$3/2
2 printed $1.50/1 MQ
2 Starbucks chocolate packs $10/2
2 $1/1 MQ {from a blinkie by the chocolates}
1 ESQ $3, comes off both, so -$6
chocolates will cost $1/1
total comes to $6, but use $6 RR, so just pay tax?!?

Transaction 3:
Another Gillette Fusion Gamer Razor
get $6 RR

Transaction 4:
4 Axe deodorants/antipersperents 25% off
Use $6 RR
OOP $6.84 and get 2 movie passes!!! {that is worth what I spent in all 4 transactions!}

MAYBE a 5th transaction for another razor so I can have the RR for next weeks deals--hopefully much better than this weeks!! And a little birdie tells me they will be!!
ALSO--check out the Glade coupons and deal listed so your house can smell nice and romantic for this weekend :)

2/11-2/17 2009
I haven't dbl checked to make sure these are the lowest prices available, but they look like decent deals--please tell me what I miss!!
  • Tyson Fresh Boneless Skinless Fryer Breast Fillet or Tender 1/2 price = $1.99/lb
  • Williams Bacon 12oz. $1.79
  • Kraft Ranch Dressing 16oz. $1.87
    use MQ $1/2 {SS } = $1.37/1
  • Hiland Sour Cream or Dip 8oz. $.79
  • Hiland Butter Qtrs. 1lb. $1.79
  • Powerade 32oz. $.79
  • Musselman's Apple Juice $1.69 (Aldis offbrand is probably cheaper)

I just saw one stand out deal and that's grapes for $1.68/2 lbs??? Good Grief--the Aldi's circular is missing in action! But I know it was a good deal and I don't buy grapes (even in winter) unless they are cheap......

I haven't been in our WalMart lately except for diapers, so I haven't researched a whole lot, BUT I was read somewhere that you can get Purina $4/1 MQ (you must select a charity and I just had to search for one in my state since none in my area are registered) and there is a cat food less than $4 to get for free--but using it on an 18 lb bag would still be a great value if you buy cat food regularly anyway or are in need of some (unless you are just trying to get freebies and hope some other company comes out with another big Q).
Also--an ongoing deal if your WalMart carries sample Tide detergent in the travel section for around $.98 (my town does not, but local ones do), find the $1 MQ in the mailers or even the lower priced ones from the Sunday inserts and get Tide for dirt cheap!
Check this out for a great list of deals!! INCLUDING using those Tuna Qs from VocalPoint mailers!!! We'll see how our prices match up against hers........

Check out these coupons.......maybe some new ones you haven't printed yet?

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