Sunday, February 8, 2009

I was not designed for this.......

Ahh--God did not create me to be a single mom and I sure pray that I do not have to go thru that trial. I am not designed for it. My dh has been gone on business for 4 days now--just 10 left, but it has seemed so long already. I'm sure those of you with hubbies that travel frequently are used to it and I even know the transition and hastle when he is finally home for an extended period of time--the power struggle, the change of schedule, etc.
But I am not designed to withstand this parenthood thing alone. The added stress of going to the hospital to visit their Papa (my FIL) among other things is not helping of course, but the last time dh was gone a week, by the 4th day I settled into a depression--not wanting to do anything but sleep. School and housework took a backburner. I made precautions for this not to happen again. We have activities planned so we are going going i feel GONE.......I'm worn out physically, emotionally, and a little spiritually too.
And it's just day 4.
I avoid bed until I know I'll go to sleep quickly.
I hate crawling into cold sheets.
It's much better when he warms them up for me first :)
....ughh.....I was definitely not designed for singleness...........I'm too clingy, needy, and incomplete without my dh here to keep me on track. He helps me stay motivated to clean. Before, I could live in a pigsty and not notice until someone rang the doorbell. I could have a pile of dirty clothes that i step over until I can't step over them anymore...I'm pretty oblivious to clutter and mess---WELL, I used to be until he brought them to my attention.
OH--that orange shouldn't be left on the table for 3 months? OK, honey!
WHAT? A metal pan will leave rust stains on counter tops? I guess that's why they are supposed to be put away, not just left for the next use out where you know where they are........
Yeah--he completes me--more like wakes me up to reality!! Maybe I need medication. Maybe i just need sleep.....MAYBE, just maybe, I need my dh home by my side keeping me sane. I know I know!! What doesn't break you makes you stronger........blah blah blah.......just let me whine a little!
I'm just me--not designed for this, that's for sure.....

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