Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
English lapbook
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
1 month and 2 days
Abigail has gained 12 oz in 2 weeks ~ up to 7 lbs 5 oz!!
Elizabeth has gained even more!! 7 lbs 14 oz!!!!!!!!! She is quite the little Hoover when it comes to nursing--none of that lollygagging around like "little" sister.
They were both a bit over 21 inches.
Still in newborn clothing, barely--able to wear some 0-3 month items--preemie is TOO small now.....moving to size 1 diapers in less than a week...
I can occasionally get 4 hours of sleep simultaneously!! and it feels TREMENDOUS!
We used 540 diapers this first month....that is around 9 diapers/day/baby. Considering their weight, it looks like they will soon be in size 1 diapers! We have around 1000 of them stocked up, so MAYBE we won't be having to run to the store till after the New Year?!?
Despite some people worrying about my "skinnyness" {haha!!}, I am amazingly healthy--and I have lost 35 of the 50 pounds I had gained and able to comfortably button size 16 jeans!!! Considering at least 13 lbs was lost when the babies were born, I am doing JUST fine!
about every 2 hours for 20-45 minutes, sometimes more, sometimes less......that's "on demand" for my babies!!
We are currently in week 11 of 42 scheduled [including breaks]. Caught up and wondering how much of a holiday break should really be taken...
150 FREE photo cards!!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Mystery of History FREE
Thinking it would just be a snipit and knowing I would be ordering later, I hadn't cared to look--but today, I did just to compare to vol I and GUESS WHAT! Not just 1 lesson, but 9 lessons from volume II are in free pdf form! So--you want to try out MOH for 3 weeks? Or stretch it into 6? FREE QUARTER of History!! My guess is that you'll fall for the ease of the curriculum and want to continue with it--but if not, you aren't out any $$! We are planning on adding in historical biographies and fiction for my then-to-be 4th grader and 3rd grader. My kdger will just be around for the reading and possibly an activity.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Lactation Cookies
Lactation Cookies
1 C butter
1 C sugar
1 C brown sugar
4 T water
2 T flaxseed meal
2 Lg eggs
1 t vanilla
2 C flour
1 t baking soda
1 t salt
3 C thick cut oats
1 C chocolate chips
2 T Brewers yeast
Preheat oven to 375Mix 2 T of flaxseed meal and water, set aside 3-5 minutes.
Cream butter and sugar.
Add eggsStir flaxseed mix into butter mix and add vanilla.
Beat until well blended.
Sift dry ingredients, except oats and choc chips.
Add butter mix into dry ingredients.
Stir in the oats and then choc chips.
Bake 8-12 mins.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Baby Update 10/27
5 DAYS OLD--5 lb 11 oz
TODAY {2.5 weeks}--6 lbs 8.5 oz
Elizabeth: AT BIRTH--6 lb 6 oz
5 DAYS OLD--6 lbs
TODAY {2.5 weeks}--6 lbs 9 oz
Yay!! They are gaining! Makes the feeding every hour or two or three easier to bear :) And I may even convince our dr. that breastfeeding twins is not only possible, but beneficial!! We're only supplementing every once in awhile and I'm trying to pump when I'm just nursing one [not very often].
Monday, October 19, 2009
What I have learned, part 1

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

lots of DARK hair and a dark complexion; arrived in one contraction, one expletive, a yell, and 3 pushes total
Elizabeth Grace
6 lbs. 6 oz.
20 inches
a little blonde hair and nearly invisible eyelashes and eyebrows with a paler complexion; arrived with doctor's help after a quick ultrasound in two contractions, 4 pushes with much more groaning and a couple yells {no expletives}

My recovery is a bit more slow. I started hemmorhaging Thursday night into Friday morning, losing lots of blood and having a lot of clotting--a nurse helped get rid of these by basically putting me thru labor again with another round of pitocin drip and then pushing on my belly till I yelled and delivered what felt like another baby just about. My hemoglobins tested fine that night, but I was still dizzy and weak with ringing in my ears and incoherent thoughts on Friday. the blood tests came back down at a 6.6 from a 9 on Friday, so I received 2 units of blood {and had been on IV fluids also}. We came home Saturday night and are recovering fairly nicely, although double the pleasure, double the work is all so true.......no more time, but I wanted to let the world know of my blessed arrival {the day before my 30th birthday, btw!!}.....
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Growing and stretching
No, that is probably not God's intent. I don't think He wants me to feel like cursing at anyone who touches my belly during a contraction or tries to talk to me about ANYthing during those seconds of extreme discomfort. But just knowing that this curse of labor is the natural way of life here on earth and that thru the curse, we are brought joy unspeakable makes this short time a little more bearable. Thru sin, we find Jesus. Thru the curse of labor, we produce wonderful blessed fruit. Growing babies is hard work, but I know it is just a season. A season I have repeated multiple times and a season that I know will turn into a new season of growing infants, toddlers, children.....it makes it much easier to ENJOY each season when I have seen many pass. When the older ladies at church or the store tell you how quickly time passes, you nod and agree, not really knowing--not with #1 anyway--but by #3 or #4, you SEE the time passing quickly with your older children. And you realize you should ENJOY the stretching. The growing. Do I always do that? No, but it's a great reminder. In a blink, these babies will be in my arms, not my belly. I don't want to rush that, although my body feels like giving up :) and I'm a bit of a whiner sometimes *LOL* just ask my dh!!!
This morning I went to my OB appt. Tomorrow I will be 39 weeks--UNBELIEVABLE!! I am dialated to a "stretchy 4.5" and 90%+ effaced. The only thing stopping labor? Who knows. Probably just the water breaking. If I do not go into labor before, I am scheduled to go in Monday morning, October 12th at 7am and we will start a natural induction. She will break my water and see how it progresses. Everyone's guess is breaking the water is all it will take for Abigail to quickly join us. I have no option but to deliver in the OR where they will have an ultrasound machine ready to check on Elizabeth as soon as Abigail emerges and follow "baby B's" progression and position to make sure she descends and does not flip around. Ideally, I would prefer a nice room with a shower and room to be up walking [if I really feel like it!], but we'll see what they let me do--I've grown very adament about letting MY desires and wishes known, so I will NOT be strapped to the bed and content just laying flat on my back JUST in order for them to monitor me and the babies--are you kidding? I'm not planning on having an epidural either, so they WILL be letting me up and around if that helps encourage the labor and feels better with occasional monitoring of the babies too. They are gonna have their hands full with me, that's for sure--I'm not one to make it easier on THEM just because---that's not what I feel is God's intent and it definitely not MY job to make THEIR job easy. So please pray I have patient nurses!!!
A little on edge? Yeah--and hormonal--and perfectly fine with using these GROWING babies as an excuse for being outspoken and, well-----not so nice sometimes.
.........Just me......growing and stretching.........
Monday, October 5, 2009
Ultrasound 10/5
{Baby A}
vertex posterior [head down but face up]
fluid levels great at 3.5
heartrate in upper 140s
measuring 37+ wks at 7 lbs. 4 oz.
{Baby B}
oblique [head down but body transverse--across the top]
fluid levels great at 4.4
heartrate in lower 150s
measuring 38+ wks at 7 lbs. 12 oz.
Reminder--it is very difficult to get extremely accurate measurements, especially this far along, but those are the educated guesses! Definitely do NOT want any more preemie clothes! and I think we are good on the newborn too [clothes and diapers]. I don't know if they will be little for awhile like my 4yo daughter was, but if they grow like the other 3, they will be in the 0-3 month clothes in no time at all!! Good thing I have them all washed and in the dresser already!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Pregnancy Update week 38

And, no, this is not a cry for help---we have our lists of completely capable babysitters and caretakers--some to come here at night or some for daytime playdates. It'll be my dh that has to juggle these things and I just fear he will be stressing out {and stressing ME out} instead of enjoying this new adjustment time together. He's already stressing ME out with his apparent need for MORE drama in his life---he called a realtor "just to see where we stand" in case we decided to sell the house [since seeing a great deal the other day on some land and a house]. He also went to find out our credit scores and stuff "just to see".....ummmm.....okay......I'm gonna stop there because I could SOOO go off on an emotional tangent that would be completely irreverent and disrespectful of my dh........and I would just regret it....... later........
ANYWAY----babies are still comfy cozy in their nest despite the onslaught of unneeded stress. Perhaps Elizabeth is just awaiting Abigail to get out of her way--and maybe Abigail is getting so crowded that she's not able to descend in the proper anterior position to progress labor. And maybe these girls just aren't quite "done"....... a lot to wonder about.
The weather changed and a front has moved thru---no labor.
The moon is almost full and will be on Sunday, October 4th. Labor? Maybe. I have no idea the real science behind it, but I do believe it effects us. And hospitals. And birthing.
If there is still no labor {as in the hard labor with FRUIT being produced, not this pre-labor with contractions 20-60 min. apart making me dbl over and yell at the kids to not touch me for those 45 seconds}, I will have my 6th official ultrasound Monday morning to check on baby positions---we'll see what kind of measurements they can get too. My tech has had her baby and is on maternity leave, so I just trust I get a capable non-student that has done twin scans and is understanding and actually educated *LOL* you know--from more than a book ;)
Still no labor after being pushed on and prodded by the u/s tech on Monday? My 38.5-week appointment will be Wed. morning.
Still no labor after even more prodding [and stretching and stripping] on Wednesday? We will be scheduling a medical induction to take place October 12th or after........despite my crying "no meds!!!" "No intervention!!!!" I have researched the "cost" and agree that allowing this pregnancy to go post-40 weeks may very well be dangerous for the babies........and that is where I question if I'm supposed to just trust God and my body {which, btw, is really screaming for relief from pregnancy, but that's just my low-tolerance for pain} or trust the doctors and science that God has provided.....
I will turn 30 on October 9th.
I will be 40 weeks on October 15th.
.........Just Me................
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Totbooks revisited
Well, my 2yo now has an obsession with trains ever since he saw one up close and a bit too personal at a friend's house the other day. Apparently, his obsession is a love/hate relationship. He gets very excited when seeing a train or talking about Thomas the Train, etc. But at night? That's where the hate comes in---he is terrified of SOMEthing at night and all he can say is 'train' or "I hear it!!!!!!" at the top of his voice. If we don't get him to sleep before the train goes thru town, he hears the whistle and runs TERRIFIED out of his bed. Last night, we left the light on and it was fine eventually--we don't even live close to the tracks, but we can faintly hear the sounds. I guess spending the night at our friend's house is out of the question [sorry, Becky!!].
Well, we've tried just about everything these last couple nights and even went down to see the trains yesterday [none were running, but some were sitting on tracks]. TODAY?!? Making a Thomas the Train totbook. She has several other totbooks that would be GREAT to do--but they require more hands-on from mom than I believe necessary for this age :) unless of course, you have no older kids or babies needing attention!!!!!
My solution? Well, for future books, my 8yo can take charge and be the teacher {which she LOVES, by the way}, but for this one my 4yo and 2yo are just teaming up with mom. The 4yo can cut most of the booklets and she is now coloring a few of the trains [since the 2yo is DONE for the day and ready to cut the scraps]. I did the number line and will cover it with clear packing tape for durability. I will be mounting the shape cards on some cereal boxes and covering those in packing tape as well. In fact, if this becomes his favorite book, everything is getting taped for added durability. I have old blue file folders, so I'm opting for blue instead of plain. And we'll set it up like she does on her site [except I always print on draft, so my colors aren't so bright and pretty]. Big Machines may be in our future--and maybe even Handy Manny since tools are a favorite of my tot also!!!
Counting Caterpillar
Sorry, I haven't transferred it to a pdf file, but I have the word doc. if anyone is interested to try to get it via email attachment.
I got the idea from the Horizons 2nd grade workbook--there is a caterpillar to fill in the numbers when skip counting by 2s, I believe, so I decided we needed a counting caterpillar that they can do ALL and ANY skip counting on.
My 4yo can count by ones up to 20 while my 2nd and 3rd graders can skip count by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s, or 12s----that is, up to 20x12!!!! Yeah, that goes beyond the multiplication charts, but why not!! There are prime numbers included but it was giving me too much of a headache trying to figure out if it was worth deleting those circles in order to save a page of printables, so all the numbers 1-110 are included, then just the multiples that go beyond that {up from 6x20 thru 12x20}. There are 5 pages of number circles that need to be printed on cardstock or glued onto cardboard and laminated [I'm awaiting a good packing tape deal for this job]. Then the 2 pages of caterpillar will just get cut out and glued into a file folder, also getting laminated or taped over. I may add a cover page as well for the outside of the folder and a little tab decor for the tab of the folder. The number circles will be contained in a zipper baggie in the folder.
Leave a comment or mail me if you want me to send this to you! I had great fun creating it on Word and look forward to putting it together with the kids!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Confucius Lapbook
Mini-lapbook time!!!
Homeschool Share has an ancient China lapbook that we will use just a few ideas from.
We recently read aloud Little Pear by Eleanor Frances Lattimore and may be looking for Little Pear and His Friends as a follow-up reader for the kids. I used Sonlight's read-aloud guide for questions and vocab lists. The kids just wrote out the vocab words to see the new words and then we discussed their meanings.
Now we are ready for Confucius and plan on watching Mulan and we may as well do a mini lapbook!! {even though Daniel is not finished, since we haven't hit on the lion's den or writing on the wall yet, but that is SOON!}
We used only 1/2 a file folder for this mini-lapbook--a quick one full afternoon lesson!
1>have 8yo dd start on Confucius copywork during the prior week
2>read MOH lesson on Confucius
3>fill in a couple mini books from homeschool share
4>cut out extra pictures and have 6yo put together lapbook
5>have 8yo finish copywork and put together lapbook
SIMPLE!! And I really think Confucius is well-known enough to require the extra time spent!!
The only item not at homeschoolshare or in MOH was the yin-yang symbol, although MOH mentions it. I googled it so my 8yo could draw one of her own to include--that is a very well-known symbol and I thought it important to explain as well.......
I will cover these easy mini-lapbooks with clear packing tape [again, my idea of laminating] and they will be ready to show at an upcoming homeschool event like Writer's Club or something. YAY!!
Macy's Makeover
Monday, September 28, 2009
Pregnancy Update week 37/38
My bp and urine STILL look great and the babies' heartrates were fine as well. I was 80% effaced and dialated to a 3, with Abigail's head at a -2 [-3 is the "stuck", lightened, DOWN to stay position most dr.s s

<-- Pink Paisley calico fabric......Sorry you can't see it very well, but it has quite a bit of green [seafoam to be exact] and some brown in it. This will be one carseat cover and some other things in the nursery.

The plan when we go to the hospital is for them to check my cervix, then do a scan to make sure of the babies postions. After dbl checking to see if they are still vertex, I will also be asking if Abigail is posterior, just FMI [that's for MY information]. I delivered one face up and it would have taken a lot less pushes if she had been anterior instead--just want to know what I am up against :)
They will then determine if I need to be in the OR or in a regular room. I will only be getting an epidural/spinal if we have an emergency csection. If it is a life-threatening csection, I will be knocked out with general anesthetic. But as of right now, we have the go-ahead for an all-natural vaginal delivery whenever they are ready!!!
Speaking of ready, I thought we were going this morning, but I ended up sending John off to work. All night, I felt nauseous and achy, then started contractions about 15 minutes apart, with a whole lot of discomfort between. Although this could very well be prelabor, I'm thinking it is the start of a UTI instead, so i took a couple cranberry pills after a bowl of cereal this morning. The contractions slowed to only 20-35 min. apart now and we're going about our day as usual......
It could very well be another week before these babies make their appearance, but I may just seclude myself in order to avoid all the questions *LOL*
"no babies yet?" well, yeah, there are babies, they are just still in my belly, as if you could not tell........
"wow--when are you due?" well.....ummm.....I'm 37.5 weeks right now, so anytime between now and October 15th......
"are you okay?" yeah--sure
"are you tired?" umm, YEAH!! So glad you noticed!!
"When are you due again?" *SIGH*
I know, I know--people don't know how to react and it is nice to know that people CARE, but it's making me get impatient and I told myself I wouldn't get impatient!!! Trying to enjoy these last few days before the LIFE-CHANGING arrival of Abigail and Elizabeth............just me.............
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
"Baby Cleaning"
We have rearranged rooms and are on the last stage of getting the nursery ready and organized. In fact, the full sized crib just got completely put together last night [as well as our new dbl stroller! What a great hubby!! Better late than never!!!] and the crib is ready for the sheets that are coming out of the dryer sometime this afternoon. Our porta-crib is getting a makeover with the foam being recovered by a lady willing to take in all my sewing projects *LOL*. We happened to have most of a vinyl tablecloth that I had gotten originally to recover our dining room chairs and she'll use it to make the foam waterproof again {YAY!!}. She is also fixing some blankets that have the binding coming off and an OLD Strawberry Shortcake blanket of mine [yes, mine!] is getting a makeover as well [my request is just to have her fold it in 4ths and bind the edges, making a good baby blankie for the floor]. I am awaiting a pattern to come in at Joann's Fabrics for covers for the carseats and have already picked out a couple fabrics i really like and think will coordinate well with each other and the stroller---Pink Paisley and Violet Paisley. they are dark enough to not shout "stain me!" and still be girly and pretty. I loved all the pink and brown stuff, but there were NO coordinating fabrics in the store that weren't mostly white. These are the SAME patterns, just in different colors. I believe I could even get green or yellow in the same pattern! No matter, I will be getting extra fabric to also help recover an old swing and various other projects. I'm so happy to be able to rely on a 'seamstress' that won't charge me an arm and a leg, but I am happy to give her business to help support her and her family.
Back to the cleaning........I am majorly lacking in the strength, ability, and endurance areas, so slow going is all we got! I will ever be grateful for the friends that have come in to help [and motivate]. There is no way our laundry would be getting done, the baby clothes be on the shelves and even our pots and pans cleaned [even if the counter is still cluttered!].
I hope having places for things will make it easier for dh and others that come in after the babies come [and for me and the kids as well]. Most concerning? Probably the lack of ability for anyone else to use the washing machine or dishwasher without me *LOL*...... The older 2 kids understand the dishwasher, but the soap and fabric softener/vinegar for the washing machine get confusing for them [and anyone else that comes in and sees my variety of products!!]. does anyone else water down their fabric softener?!? It works just as well when it is 1/2 and 1/2 and the vinegar rinse? I usually use it and only the fabric softener on stuff I want extra soft or smelling extra good. I also tear the dryer sheets into 1/4s or 1/6s in the summer--we'll go down to 1/2s for fall and maybe have to use full ones for winter to cut back on the static. Yeah--I'm probably over the top frugal, but it works!!! It just confuses anyone else ;> and my dh hasn't tried to load the dishwasher since it was installed, but I'm hoping the kids can continue that chore without him as long as he can step up to other tasks.......and that list keeps growing..... we now need a new flusher on the downstairs toilet [the "chain" on the inside isn't metal, but plastic, so there was no 'repair with paperclips' or something].........and I'm really hoping the sectional missing the hide-away-bed gets a board in it so company won't get lost when they sit down.....you know, all the little things *LOL*
Friday, September 18, 2009
Pregnancy Update 9/18/09
Thursday, September 17, 2009
what? breastfeed twins? are you insane?
How? Are you sure? Really? Do you need bottles? You're going to be so tired! Really? That will be so hard! Will you get anything else done? What about the other kids? Really? Do you need special pillows? How? Really?
Thanks for the encouragment......and, yes, a special pillow or 2 would be GREAT, but $$ is an issue for me, so we'll see!!
Yes, I plan on exclusively breastfeeding my twins. And doing it as long as I can. I will pump if I have to and I will supplement if I HAVE to, but breastfeeding twins CAN be done and although I am in the dark on some things (namely, will they tandem nurse and what are the positions possible? Things that i can't answer until I try and find out what my girls want/need), but having successfully nursed 4 singles through their first year, I'm hoping hoping hoping that I can find the support needed to nurse these 2 blessings as well.
Here's just a little info that I have found helpful in order to prepare:
Pictures Pictures Pictures [be aware--there is some exposure :)]
Breastfeeding Twins
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
not much to update, except I am refusing to deliver until my OB is back (24th)......
well, okay, I've now since come to terms that they may not wait and we may have to deliver with a less than cooperative dr. on call. I'm now okay with that. My dh and I are on the same page with wanting/needing a natural vaginal delivery unless absolutely medically necessary. And we know what each other means by that--unlike some doctors who, out of convenience and liability, will push for a c-section if anything looks SLIGHTLY off, thus, also pushing for an epidural or spinal and delivery in an OR.........not my ideal birth plan........
ANYWAY--that is why no update--I was too emotional and worked up to share.....
My bp was just slightly higher, but still normal, normal urine, normal weight gain [now at a total of 41 lbs gained, if I remember correctly], normal measurements [at 34 weeks, 39], and they are both vertex. Although, Abigail [A] was posterior [face-up] and Elizabeth [B] is down low crowding her sister as shown on this dr.'s quick ultrasound [which he finds necessary to determine position in case of delivery soon, being the pro-c.section doc he is]. Hopefully, Elizabeth will give Abigail the room to descend into the birth canal and all will "fall" into place when the time comes. I am having Braxton Hicks contractions still, sometimes fairly intense, but nothing to send me to the hospital--nothing regular, no gushes of water [just continual leaking of discharge/urine, apparently--sorry for the TMI *LOL*]..........
just me.......on a self-induced moderate bedrest now.....just doing less and less that may encourage delivery too soon......
Thursday, September 10, 2009
"Free" Udder Cover

But I just heard about THIS great deal and would love to try it---with coupon code either Chatter or cushv2.
I like Laila--what about you?!?
For $8.95 [that is the shipping cost], these would be great! I've seen them as tutorials for making them yourself, but I'm thinking it would cost just about that $9 for the materials, let alone the time and effort!! Not making the purchase right away, but it is definitely on my mental wishlist, that's for sure!!

NOW--here are some udders that need a cover-up!! *LOL*
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ancient History -- Great Scientists

Monday, September 7, 2009
What would make life easier?

WalMart Ad Matches thru 9/8

grapes $.79/lb;
bagged bananas $.35/lb
BarS HotDogs $.50/1 {x 4} = $2 {regularly $.88/1, saved $1.52}
Breyer's Ice Cream $5/2 {regularly $7/2, saved $2}
Heinz Ketchup 20-24 oz $.98
10 lb bag russett potatoes $1.99 [limit 1] {on sale for $4, saved $2.01}
1/2 gallon Hiland's 100% OJ $.99 [limit 1]
i don't remember the regular prices on the ketchup and OJ, but I am thinking they were about 1/2price. There are many other great deals, but these were what was on my list {we had a boy turning 7 on Saturday, thus the ice cream and the OJ to go with Saturday's breakfast!!}
WalMart also had 3lb bags of Granny Smith apples for $2.50.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Pregnancy Update week 34

Gained 3 lbs this week--which is good. My belly measured at 39, and I am truly proud of myself because I was pretty sure a couple days ago both babies turned head down and my OB agrees!! I went from feeling kicked/punched by someone {Abigail?} WAY down low all over to feeling like I had toes in my ribs and greater pressure down low.......
My bp and urine still both look great. I am just a tad bit dialated and starting to thin, although it is still quite thick and high. She did confirm our suspicions of Abigail being head down when she checked my cervix also----she felt her head, which means that she may not turn again if she has lowered this much. YAY!!
Bridge to Terabithia

When I picked up one of our library's copies, I noticed some blacked-out words. Someone had kindly inked over the 5-6 words that were questionable in their mind. Indeed, after looking intensely and reading the context, I saw these were words I definitely did NOT want my children to be reading, let alone KNOWING existed in this manner ~LOL~ If used as a read-aloud, I could easily replace or skip these few choice words. I could also explain them, but I do not see the benefit Paterson could have been thinking of when including them. The setting and mind-set of poverty was captured without the swearing, I believe, although I see the truth behind their usage.
And now, I am curious about the movie. Not for my kids, but for me---anyone see it? Does it go more along with the book than the previews let on?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Art Carnival

Monday, August 31, 2009
My deal at Wags Sat. 29th
2 boxes rice crispies on sale 2/$5
MQ free rice crispies ($2.50)
MQ ($1.00)
Total: $1.50
RR $2.00 {used on next transaction of some laundry detergent and toilet paper}
= $.50 overage!!!!!
If you know of other places to use my other $1 off rice crispies coupons, let me know!! I also just received vocalpoint's latest promo--Kashi Honey Cereal--haven't seen it in stores yet, so if you see a decent deal, let me know!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Ultrasound Pictures 8/26 and pregnancy update
The ultrasound tech is also expecting and we've had many a good talks with her. Very neat to have real conversations with real people and since we see her every month or so, it is more than just a service she is providin

I tried to upload a video of baby B "Elizabeth" holding her toes momentarily and then letting go. It was adorable to see. but you'll have to settle for just her little foot--you can barely trace out her fingers below the toes. Apparently she's gonna be one that needs her toesies free to play with :)

Here is Abigail's profile--see her little round nose also? SOO sweet to see my baby girls!! It is helping me to bond way before I ever did with any others. It's like they are just a foreign presence making me uncomfortable until i get to hold them, feed them, touch them, etc. Of course, this unexpected bonding also brings more worry--the what-ifs tend to creep in occasionnally and I just have to pray...
The OB appt. went well. We were ahead of schedule everywhere we went, starting with dropping the kids off :) A sure sign that dh was in charge and not me!! I was about 32 weeks 5 days and measured about 36 weeks. Strong heartbeats--ultrasound measured 139 and OB measured 140s. My bp is still looking great. I weighed in at 178lbs. I got a lot of questions answered and need to go ahead and make a call to our pediatrician to give him a heads up and discuss his take on when they need NICU, etc. Neither our OB nor our ped {he's actually our family doc} goes to the neighboring hospital with a NICU, so we're REALLY hoping it is avoided--although I enjoyed a nice tour of the NICU and was pleasantly surprised at how homey and inviting the atmosphere was. Our hospital choice--the one without a NICU--the birthing center at St. Johns lets the babies room in with you and you do not have to change rooms for labor, delivery, recovery, etc. They are also bigger rooms, making plenty of room for the older kids to come see us and visit. Siblings are able to come in and I believe other children must be 12+. It is a secured area and no one gets in the doors without clearance. Our other 4 kids were delivered here (although our oldest came before it was a birthing center and we DID have to change rooms, etc.).
Friday, August 14, 2009
Pregnancy Update
The OB was more concerned about nutrition. She gave me a prescription for folic acid, said to take a stool softener if needed and make sure to take my vitamins and get in as much nutrients as possible....hmmm....I'm hungry all the time--sure--but not for what is in my fridge and cabinets......or for anything that has to be FIXED ~LOL~ The free chicken club I had from Arby's Wed. has been on my mind A LOT. So has a 1/3lb cheeseburger from Braum's.......and lemon chicken from Bamboo Garden........and.....well, I better quit now before I think I'm starving!!
Also, I opened a registry at www.babiesrus.com and hope to add more to it. I may open a Target one also. They both offer 10% off anything left on the registry at the due date, so that was a major motivator!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Daniel Lapbook--part 1
Book of Daniel accordian fold*
The Captivity of Babylon -- this is a group of notebooking pages that I got and I cannot find the site anymore. I will only be using page one and turning it into a booklet. If you want this pdf file, just ask!
The Ishtar Gate -- I made this book on word doc. and can email it to you if you are interested!! Information and picture gathered from bible-history.com.
We will be focusing on what happened with Nebuchednessar II, Daniel, and the food pyramid this next week, taking a "detour" to study Aesop and his fables the next week and continuing on with our MOH lessons--all those during Daniel's lifetime could add little activities to this Daniel lapbook, but the majority will be completed this week.
Food folder game This will be the second folder or a flap (for my preschooler). She may also have a Medley Match-Up game. The older ones will probably also need an extra flap or 2 in this folder for their coloring pages and activities I have found on the food pyramid.
GuestHallow.com has a free health unit based on the book "Food and Nutrition for every Kid". We will be using several of her mini books from her Nutrition lapbook--especially for my oldest:
Vitamin Storage Petal Book
Fats Chart
Fat Accordian
Nutrition Facts Book
Protein fan book
Protein Wheel
Vitamin ABCs long booklet
Saccaride Dbl Flapbook
Examples of saccharides dbl flapbook
What a way to incorporate Science into our school day!!
Change of names tab fold* I may save this for lesson 62 "Shadrach, Meshac and Abed-nego" along with The Fiery Furnace.
Lion's Den* -- a small unit on lions could be given with a classification of lions and what they eat, etc. This will probably be saved for lesson 67, "Darius I"
I will try to add more......but this will get our week started at least ;)
OB appt. 7/30

Babies heartrates were in the 140s---they have been very active. I could even feel and see a definite foot, elbow, knee, or hand last night (Abigail)!!! Elizabeth has been getting the hiccups frequently also. I think it was helping me figure out where her head was last night--first, breech, then vertex later!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What to do for Preschool?!?
Number 2 (boy) was not as ready for the writing and cutting or singing and nursery rhymes--he still has no interest in the songs and such! I didn't push it.
Number 3 (girl) likes sitting at the table--and has asked to "do school" since she was 18 months old or so. When number 4 came along (boy), it became necessary to have planned activity for the little two, but there definitely wasn't the funds to spend on a bunch--especially when we have so much laying around! Sure, they got some counting, sorting, etc. in their regular play, but it really should have some thought thrown into it too! And if they are within my sight, there is less likely to be a mess somewhere else!! So, a little mess at the table was fine :)
This past year, for the 3yo, she had a letter book. We kinda did a simplified version of the "letter of the week" curriculum that you can find anywhere and everywhere, including free online, but we definitely spread it out [over about 45 weeks instead of 26]. It's SO easy to do this.
Simplified Letter of the Week for age 3
I started out with an accordian folder that is labelled with the alphabet. In each pocket (a-b, c-d, etc.), I put in things that went with that letter. Any stickers I found, coloring pages, stories from old Highlights magazines or other magazines (i.e. a snake pamphlet was in the S file, some preschool letter cards we have were divided into each one, zoobooks filed appropriately, etc.). I also made sure to include one large printout of each letter in block form. A polka dot alphabet would work also. These letters were for matching letter stickers and maybe items that start with that letter which I usually put on my fingers for her to put on the letter (we used up leftover scrapbooking letter stickers and bought more letter stickers wherever and whenever I saw them on sale) and for cutting and gluing practice. You can go with these collage ideas too.
Where did she glue them? In a cheap wide-ruled notebook that we got on sale last summer. This was her Alphabet Notebook. After she glued on the letter, we filled the next couple pages with other drawings or stickers or color pages or booklets about that letter. For instance--following R, we had stencils of raindrops, cut outs of rectangles, and then rainbows I showed her how to draw.
A little over halfway through the alphabet, she started recognizing letters. She now writes her name in capital letters. We did not work on that--we did not spend a lot of time on this, even, but it was all she needed. You can go way more in depth than we did, but we kept it simple, knowing if it seemed too difficult, I wouldn't follow through. And we only did it on days she asked to do school or really needed some kind of planned activity.
What did my 2yo boy do? nothing really productive, but if he opted to be at the table, he was also allowed stickers, paper, glue, scissors, etc. After turning 3, I will help him start his own alphabet book!
Plans for Notebooks for age 4
In about 3 weeks, I will have a 4 year old. Since completing the alphabet notebook and recognizing most letters for PreK3, I think it is time to focus on numbers for a little while. I may use the same accordian type of system or we could just pull down all the preK wkbks sitting on the shelf. I will mix in colors and shapes also--one of those cheapie ruled notebooks will become her Preschool Book for this year--this REALLY cuts back on the mess of papers and "what do we do with this stuff" question. It also lets her use scissors and a glue stick :)
After this, we will go back to letters. I want her to see the lowercase and I have some wipe-off d'nealian sheets of all the letters that she can trace and try to write them. Maybe she will learn sounds. I plan on letting her watch some you-tube videos (there are adorable nursery rhymes, songs, etc.) and Starfall. We'll add in what we can, but a lot of things will probably be "taught" by my 8yo and 6yo as they take turns with the little ones and we will have newborn twins-- a new twist on daily life that I have no idea what it will bring!!
Just me.....and my ideas on a SIMPLIFIED PreK curriculum!!
Benefits of PreK? I believe it helps with a better ability to sit in Sunday School and other church classes and co-ops. It also teaches without pressure as long as you are laid back about it.
Get too laid back and not do anything? They may not be able to sit and use the glue at storytime at the library or other activities we like to go and enjoy. They will also need more of your help (cutting, etc) when you DO try to do something with them (or various other teachers they may encounter).
Don't forget about your preshoolers and toddlers this year!!
The ideas are really endless!
Friday, July 24, 2009
when the cat's away
Do your kids do this? Leave the room and the schoolwork is forgotten? Rules are forgotten? Knowing mom isn't there, you decide you CAN and SHOULD go ahead and poke sister with the pencil?!? Or just sit and doodle?!?
Just wondering--mine tend to, which makes it fairly difficult to accomplish anything anywhere BUT the school room when they are doing school.
We're working on that though---if I have one follow me around while reading to me or me quizzing them, the other tends to still continue working somewhat while left behind.
Now--what about when dh is away? We don't exactly play, but we sure are more lazy!! No reason to have it ALL cleaned by 5pm every day. No reason to have more than a baked potato for dinner. No reason to......well, you get my drift. Then comes the countdown--Daddy's coming home today!! Let's clean!!! Better catch up on the shopping (he'll need bread for sandwich lunches next week!)!!
My dh doesn't travel much anymore, but he was gone on a Missions Trip with our church this week--not far, just down to OK where the headquarters of Voice of the Martyrs is. He'll be tired when he gets home on Saturday and there is always an adjustment period for everyone, but OOOH how excited the kids and I will be to see him!!!! I told him he better not look at my belly first thing and just go WOW--although it will be nice to see if he really does notice a difference. Living with the growing day-to-day, it's not so noticeable sometimes.
Just me................filling in the void of a lonely Friday night by blogging...........
Ultrasound Pictures 7/23

above, Abigail, weighing 2 lbs. 7 oz.