Babies heartrates were in the 140s---they have been very active. I could even feel and see a definite foot, elbow, knee, or hand last night (Abigail)!!! Elizabeth has been getting the hiccups frequently also. I think it was helping me figure out where her head was last night--first, breech, then vertex later!!
Anyway--back to my stats--I weighed in with another 5 lbs added [in 2 weeks], making the total so far 30lbs. and although I'm 29 weeks, my belly is measuring 34 weeks. Yet, that is just length-wise and she noticed that I am definitely widening also---they may have been transverse again when she was measuring me, otherwise, I would have measured bigger.
As for the Braxton Hicks contractions that had started--they are less frequent and less harsh now. I have been drinking 64 oz of liquid (mostly water) every day this week......and I was even THIRSTY for more last night!! Of course, this makes me have to get up to go to the bathroom urgently, but this is helping with waking up 6yo ds to make him go to the bathroom also. [He has decided that he does not need any more GoodNights, so there has been a lot of morning baths and washing sheets lately.]
That's just me....and my pregnancy update!!
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