The ultrasound tech is also expecting and we've had many a good talks with her. Very neat to have real conversations with real people and since we see her every month or so, it is more than just a service she is providin

I tried to upload a video of baby B "Elizabeth" holding her toes momentarily and then letting go. It was adorable to see. but you'll have to settle for just her little foot--you can barely trace out her fingers below the toes. Apparently she's gonna be one that needs her toesies free to play with :)

Here is Abigail's profile--see her little round nose also? SOO sweet to see my baby girls!! It is helping me to bond way before I ever did with any others. It's like they are just a foreign presence making me uncomfortable until i get to hold them, feed them, touch them, etc. Of course, this unexpected bonding also brings more worry--the what-ifs tend to creep in occasionnally and I just have to pray...
The OB appt. went well. We were ahead of schedule everywhere we went, starting with dropping the kids off :) A sure sign that dh was in charge and not me!! I was about 32 weeks 5 days and measured about 36 weeks. Strong heartbeats--ultrasound measured 139 and OB measured 140s. My bp is still looking great. I weighed in at 178lbs. I got a lot of questions answered and need to go ahead and make a call to our pediatrician to give him a heads up and discuss his take on when they need NICU, etc. Neither our OB nor our ped {he's actually our family doc} goes to the neighboring hospital with a NICU, so we're REALLY hoping it is avoided--although I enjoyed a nice tour of the NICU and was pleasantly surprised at how homey and inviting the atmosphere was. Our hospital choice--the one without a NICU--the birthing center at St. Johns lets the babies room in with you and you do not have to change rooms for labor, delivery, recovery, etc. They are also bigger rooms, making plenty of room for the older kids to come see us and visit. Siblings are able to come in and I believe other children must be 12+. It is a secured area and no one gets in the doors without clearance. Our other 4 kids were delivered here (although our oldest came before it was a birthing center and we DID have to change rooms, etc.).
Great update!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear things are coming along nicely~!
ReplyDeleteI always love seeing ultrasound pictures. :)
I still plan to make you a maya wrap, just trying to save a little money for the fabric.