And, no, this is not a cry for help---we have our lists of completely capable babysitters and caretakers--some to come here at night or some for daytime playdates. It'll be my dh that has to juggle these things and I just fear he will be stressing out {and stressing ME out} instead of enjoying this new adjustment time together. He's already stressing ME out with his apparent need for MORE drama in his life---he called a realtor "just to see where we stand" in case we decided to sell the house [since seeing a great deal the other day on some land and a house]. He also went to find out our credit scores and stuff "just to see".....ummmm.....okay......I'm gonna stop there because I could SOOO go off on an emotional tangent that would be completely irreverent and disrespectful of my dh........and I would just regret it....... later........
ANYWAY----babies are still comfy cozy in their nest despite the onslaught of unneeded stress. Perhaps Elizabeth is just awaiting Abigail to get out of her way--and maybe Abigail is getting so crowded that she's not able to descend in the proper anterior position to progress labor. And maybe these girls just aren't quite "done"....... a lot to wonder about.
The weather changed and a front has moved thru---no labor.
The moon is almost full and will be on Sunday, October 4th. Labor? Maybe. I have no idea the real science behind it, but I do believe it effects us. And hospitals. And birthing.
If there is still no labor {as in the hard labor with FRUIT being produced, not this pre-labor with contractions 20-60 min. apart making me dbl over and yell at the kids to not touch me for those 45 seconds}, I will have my 6th official ultrasound Monday morning to check on baby positions---we'll see what kind of measurements they can get too. My tech has had her baby and is on maternity leave, so I just trust I get a capable non-student that has done twin scans and is understanding and actually educated *LOL* you know--from more than a book ;)
Still no labor after being pushed on and prodded by the u/s tech on Monday? My 38.5-week appointment will be Wed. morning.
Still no labor after even more prodding [and stretching and stripping] on Wednesday? We will be scheduling a medical induction to take place October 12th or after........despite my crying "no meds!!!" "No intervention!!!!" I have researched the "cost" and agree that allowing this pregnancy to go post-40 weeks may very well be dangerous for the babies........and that is where I question if I'm supposed to just trust God and my body {which, btw, is really screaming for relief from pregnancy, but that's just my low-tolerance for pain} or trust the doctors and science that God has provided.....
I will turn 30 on October 9th.
I will be 40 weeks on October 15th.
.........Just Me................
Oh friend! I have been 38 weeks with twins. I know. Much love coming your way!
ReplyDeleteBless you!! I was so miserable at the end of my last pregnancy. (I could barely walk due to her position!) However, that was only with one! I can't imagine how uncomfortable you must be with two. I will send up some prayers that God will allow these precious babies to be born soon and without medical intervention. Best wishes!!