Friday, September 18, 2009

Pregnancy Update 9/18/09

Went for my weekly appointment on Friday. It went much better than last week--the doc seeing me while my OB is gone was looking forward to a weekend off--he told me the name of the other doc on call this weekend while he finally got a break :) Why did he tell me who was on call? Well, probably because I am 36 weeks, 75% effaced and dialated to a 1.....with twins.....
My urine and bp still look great, even though the swelling is getting pretty horrible in my hands and feet. I'm at 189lbs. and my belly was measuring at 40. He insisted the swelling was pretty good and he's surprised it hasn't been bad before now. The only way to help it is to keep my feet up, which i try to do at least some during the afternoons.
My OB gets back on Thursday, so we'll see if we can last that long :)
I also got to go see our family doctor who delivered my last 2 but is no longer delivering. I wanted to ask him if he had time for 2 new patients and give him the heads up on the twins :)
When he walked into the room, he said, "Hello, Fertile One!" Always good for a laugh! He is no longer doing any on-call work and will not see the babies in the hospital at all--it will just be whoever is on call, so I didn't get a lot of answers about hospital policy on the "what-ifs", but he was encouraging about me being this far along, saying there is a higher than 95% possibility that we won't need any kind of NICU time, thus, no separation from me and the babies [since the NICU is in the other hospital]..... He was encouraging and uplifting and seemed to be doing well himself now that he isn't constantly working like he has been for the last 25 years or so...

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