Monday, September 28, 2009

Pregnancy Update week 37/38

Friday, at 37 weeks 1 day, my belly measured 40 weeks and I'd only gained 1 lb in a week. My dr. had arrived back into the country and was a bit surprised to see me :)
My bp and urine STILL look great and the babies' heartrates were fine as well. I was 80% effaced and dialated to a 3, with Abigail's head at a -2 [-3 is the "stuck", lightened, DOWN to stay position most dr.s say].
<-- Pink Paisley calico fabric......Sorry you can't see it very well, but it has quite a bit of green [seafoam to be exact] and some brown in it. This will be one carseat cover and some other things in the nursery.

--> Violet Paisley calico fabric will be the other carseat cover and some various nursery items. You can see the blue, but it also has that same seafoam green [which I bought so we can do some trim work with and bring out that green].....EXCITING!!!

The plan when we go to the hospital is for them to check my cervix, then do a scan to make sure of the babies postions. After dbl checking to see if they are still vertex, I will also be asking if Abigail is posterior, just FMI [that's for MY information]. I delivered one face up and it would have taken a lot less pushes if she had been anterior instead--just want to know what I am up against :)

They will then determine if I need to be in the OR or in a regular room. I will only be getting an epidural/spinal if we have an emergency csection. If it is a life-threatening csection, I will be knocked out with general anesthetic. But as of right now, we have the go-ahead for an all-natural vaginal delivery whenever they are ready!!!

Speaking of ready, I thought we were going this morning, but I ended up sending John off to work. All night, I felt nauseous and achy, then started contractions about 15 minutes apart, with a whole lot of discomfort between. Although this could very well be prelabor, I'm thinking it is the start of a UTI instead, so i took a couple cranberry pills after a bowl of cereal this morning. The contractions slowed to only 20-35 min. apart now and we're going about our day as usual......
It could very well be another week before these babies make their appearance, but I may just seclude myself in order to avoid all the questions *LOL*

"no babies yet?" well, yeah, there are babies, they are just still in my belly, as if you could not tell........
"wow--when are you due?" well.....ummm.....I'm 37.5 weeks right now, so anytime between now and October 15th......
"are you okay?" yeah--sure
"are you tired?" umm, YEAH!! So glad you noticed!!
"When are you due again?" *SIGH*
I know, I know--people don't know how to react and it is nice to know that people CARE, but it's making me get impatient and I told myself I wouldn't get impatient!!! Trying to enjoy these last few days before the LIFE-CHANGING arrival of Abigail and Elizabeth............just me.............

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