Wednesday, May 6, 2009

cribs, bassinets, cosleepers, pack-n-plays....OH MY!!

Okay, well, we have been blessed with a crib from friends (new mattress too!). We already had a portable crib that has been thru all 4 of our first ones, but I knew it would be too small for both twins, except for maybe at the VERY beginning. We need a new mattress for it, but will probably settle on making one since it seems difficult to find any portable crib ANYthing, including sheets, etc.

Now I used this portable crib basically as a cosleeper, but it is higher or much lower than the bed, and I have to lift over the side rail too, so although it was right next to the bed, it was not REALLY convenient and they usually stayed in bed with me after nursing once anyway. It also did not attach to the bed, it was either wedged between the bed and wall or able to roll away.

I do NOT see how this can happen with twins, although very possible. And I figured a pack and play for downstairs would be the best thing for future use as well, but the weight limits for the top bassinet/changing area and other things just made me wonder what to do......then I discovered the Arm's Reach Co Sleeper and I wonder if I can find a nice used one of these!!! It looks like the benefits of a pack and play plus more, but i am REALLY not sure. From what I've read, most graduate their twins from cosleeping here to their own cribs around 4 months and I am not sure I want to do that, although that is when they start squirming more and may need to be separated in order to not wake the other--I figured one would be in bed with me while the other was in the bassinet or this co sleeper. I also still probably need a downstairs nap option .... hmmmm ....... decisions decisions!!
Pictured is the "natural" original arm's reach cosleeper. This side lowers to about master bed heighth and the mattress (comes with one fitted sheet) is a little lower for twin #2 to sleep while I take care of twin #1....or to easily view them or change their diapers at night (or day). This seems also to not be as portable and easy to take down and transport as a pack n play, although it does also come with a transport bag. Now you are asking--price tag? Yeah, it has one--from their site, $210. Toys R Us-- $170....and I know I would prefer more than one sheet--it says short sheet, so I wonder the dimensions and finding other cheaper sheets anyway--might be similar to bassinet sheets, which would be very nice....

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