Monday, April 27, 2009

Spring Cleaning?!?!?

I have NEVER EVER claimed to be clean, organized or anything of the such. In fact, while most are talking about spring cleaning meaning closets getting cleaned out, windows washed, junk drawers organized and cabinets scrubbed, I just kinda turn a deaf ear.
We don't do spring cleaning--we do baby cleaning--yep, and it's that "season" for us!! Whenever a baby is coming, it's time to clean up the house--closets? cabinets? maybe. Let's start with piles of laundry and is every 2 years or so by the way....oh, and my husband's duties of fixing a toilet (which looks to be more of a take out carpet and redo the flooring and toilet--UGH!), installing a dishwasher, un-installing a garbage disposal, and maybe some other maintenance items that have been on hold too long...
And then there is the rotating of school books and deciding what to keep, what to give away and how many more shelves I need. The school year doesn't really have an end or beginning around here--we celebrate at the end of a study or chapter or workbook a little and we have breaks all year round. Now, as they are getting older and I'm looking at a soon to be 3rd grade girl and 2nd grade boy (not to mention the 4yo, 2yo and upcoming twins), I realize that this laid back attitude and go with the flow schedule is going to be tweaked!! We have our daily routine, but I'm adding a bit more of a rigorous schedule for now and to our "fall semester" of July/August/September and then they can be a bit more laid back after the babies come while we adjust.
SO--along with trying to clean up the floors, clean out the clutter and rearrange to prepare for babies, these next couple months are going to be for lesson planning also.
My 8yo dd H now has her own list of language and math work that has to be accomplished for the week. These are our "textbooks" that need little explanation, but I am at the table most of the time anyway for help, encouragment and the little bit of teaching needed. She did great managing her time last week, so hopefully this is the start of a new independence! My 6yo ds has his list of language and math for the day--I am needed for most of his work with teaching and instructions and this morning he finished it all but a sheet of math problems that are really extra (and he did tomorrow's spelling!). This is going well, it just requires a little more planning on my part (and I'm afraid to go too far ahead and have to change it when a bump in the plans change a day).

This "season's" cleaning also will mean re-arranging bedrooms for us. My dh is giving up his new room (he took over my cluttered and non-used office for a TV/relaxation room) to the boys and we will re-move into their room (I say they although only one sleeps in there now). SOOOO--I have a whole new wish list in mind for what we need in order to get this accomplished, but let's stick with the basics:

  1. Clean out downstairs toyroom and convert to schoolroom--this requires major motivation on my part AND a de-tachment to all the stuff :(, deciding what HAS to go and what should really stay, but it will ge the ball rolling if I just GET TO IT!
  2. This will clean out the upstairs office of shelves and desks and we can make it the boys' room--they are easy with just a dresser, shelves and 2 beds to move in, hopefully a rug or 2 and of course a few toyboxes.
  3. We can then move into the "new" master bedroom and convert ours back to the nursery. I hope we can find a bigger bed (ours is just full) so that, as my dh says, he can sleep with me at some point after the twins come [I tend to co-sleep while nursing].
  4. Shouldn't leave the girls out--so hopefully we will clean out and "decorate" a little for them also--moving out the toddler bed and rearranging, maybe with a rug or 2 and a couple towyboxes if they can keep it all picked up!!

And, that will be my summer-long-hopefully-within-5-months-before-babies-come "Spring Cleaning!" [Hopefully chasing away dustbunnies all along the way and maybe even washing some windows and curtains!]

JUST ME...........

1 comment:

  1. Good for you~! We just moved and it seems like we do all of our cleaning out when we move... typically around every other year...

    I'll be thinking of you~!!!
