MOH Volume I, lesson 65 "Confucius"
Mini-lapbook time!!!
Homeschool Share has an ancient China lapbook that we will use just a few ideas from.
We recently read aloud Little Pear by Eleanor Frances Lattimore and may be looking for Little Pear and His Friends as a follow-up reader for the kids. I used Sonlight's read-aloud guide for questions and vocab lists. The kids just wrote out the vocab words to see the new words and then we discussed their meanings.
Now we are ready for Confucius and plan on watching Mulan and we may as well do a mini lapbook!! {even though Daniel is not finished, since we haven't hit on the lion's den or writing on the wall yet, but that is SOON!}
We used only 1/2 a file folder for this mini-lapbook--a quick one full afternoon lesson!
1>have 8yo dd start on Confucius copywork during the prior week
2>read MOH lesson on Confucius
3>fill in a couple mini books from homeschool share
4>cut out extra pictures and have 6yo put together lapbook
5>have 8yo finish copywork and put together lapbook
SIMPLE!! And I really think Confucius is well-known enough to require the extra time spent!!
The only item not at homeschoolshare or in MOH was the yin-yang symbol, although MOH mentions it. I googled it so my 8yo could draw one of her own to include--that is a very well-known symbol and I thought it important to explain as well.......
I will cover these easy mini-lapbooks with clear packing tape [again, my idea of laminating] and they will be ready to show at an upcoming homeschool event like Writer's Club or something. YAY!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Macy's Makeover
I have a fellow homeschool [and twin mom] friend participating in the Macy's and Clinton Kelly Makeover America [Overland Park, KS]. The winner gets a trip to NYC and $5,000 shopping spree!! You can vote for Amelia in the green shirt here. Honestly? There were only a couple others I would consider anyway--so you might as well vote for Amelia!!!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Pregnancy Update week 37/38
Friday, at 37 weeks 1 day, my belly measured 40 weeks and I'd only gained 1 lb in a week. My dr. had arrived back into the country and was a bit surprised to see me :)
My bp and urine STILL look great and the babies' heartrates were fine as well. I was 80% effaced and dialated to a 3, with Abigail's head at a -2 [-3 is the "stuck", lightened, DOWN to stay position most dr.s s
<-- Pink Paisley calico fabric......Sorry you can't see it very well, but it has quite a bit of green [seafoam to be exact] and some brown in it. This will be one carseat cover and some other things in the nursery.
--> Violet Paisley calico fabric will be the other carseat cover and some various nursery items. You can see the blue, but it also has that same seafoam green [which I bought so we can do some trim work with and bring out that green].....EXCITING!!!
The plan when we go to the hospital is for them to check my cervix, then do a scan to make sure of the babies postions. After dbl checking to see if they are still vertex, I will also be asking if Abigail is posterior, just FMI [that's for MY information]. I delivered one face up and it would have taken a lot less pushes if she had been anterior instead--just want to know what I am up against :)
They will then determine if I need to be in the OR or in a regular room. I will only be getting an epidural/spinal if we have an emergency csection. If it is a life-threatening csection, I will be knocked out with general anesthetic. But as of right now, we have the go-ahead for an all-natural vaginal delivery whenever they are ready!!!
Speaking of ready, I thought we were going this morning, but I ended up sending John off to work. All night, I felt nauseous and achy, then started contractions about 15 minutes apart, with a whole lot of discomfort between. Although this could very well be prelabor, I'm thinking it is the start of a UTI instead, so i took a couple cranberry pills after a bowl of cereal this morning. The contractions slowed to only 20-35 min. apart now and we're going about our day as usual......
It could very well be another week before these babies make their appearance, but I may just seclude myself in order to avoid all the questions *LOL*
"no babies yet?" well, yeah, there are babies, they are just still in my belly, as if you could not tell........
"wow--when are you due?" well.....ummm.....I'm 37.5 weeks right now, so anytime between now and October 15th......
"are you okay?" yeah--sure
"are you tired?" umm, YEAH!! So glad you noticed!!
"When are you due again?" *SIGH*
I know, I know--people don't know how to react and it is nice to know that people CARE, but it's making me get impatient and I told myself I wouldn't get impatient!!! Trying to enjoy these last few days before the LIFE-CHANGING arrival of Abigail and Elizabeth............just me.............
My bp and urine STILL look great and the babies' heartrates were fine as well. I was 80% effaced and dialated to a 3, with Abigail's head at a -2 [-3 is the "stuck", lightened, DOWN to stay position most dr.s s

<-- Pink Paisley calico fabric......Sorry you can't see it very well, but it has quite a bit of green [seafoam to be exact] and some brown in it. This will be one carseat cover and some other things in the nursery.

The plan when we go to the hospital is for them to check my cervix, then do a scan to make sure of the babies postions. After dbl checking to see if they are still vertex, I will also be asking if Abigail is posterior, just FMI [that's for MY information]. I delivered one face up and it would have taken a lot less pushes if she had been anterior instead--just want to know what I am up against :)
They will then determine if I need to be in the OR or in a regular room. I will only be getting an epidural/spinal if we have an emergency csection. If it is a life-threatening csection, I will be knocked out with general anesthetic. But as of right now, we have the go-ahead for an all-natural vaginal delivery whenever they are ready!!!
Speaking of ready, I thought we were going this morning, but I ended up sending John off to work. All night, I felt nauseous and achy, then started contractions about 15 minutes apart, with a whole lot of discomfort between. Although this could very well be prelabor, I'm thinking it is the start of a UTI instead, so i took a couple cranberry pills after a bowl of cereal this morning. The contractions slowed to only 20-35 min. apart now and we're going about our day as usual......
It could very well be another week before these babies make their appearance, but I may just seclude myself in order to avoid all the questions *LOL*
"no babies yet?" well, yeah, there are babies, they are just still in my belly, as if you could not tell........
"wow--when are you due?" well.....ummm.....I'm 37.5 weeks right now, so anytime between now and October 15th......
"are you okay?" yeah--sure
"are you tired?" umm, YEAH!! So glad you noticed!!
"When are you due again?" *SIGH*
I know, I know--people don't know how to react and it is nice to know that people CARE, but it's making me get impatient and I told myself I wouldn't get impatient!!! Trying to enjoy these last few days before the LIFE-CHANGING arrival of Abigail and Elizabeth............just me.............
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
"Baby Cleaning"
Last spring, I mentioned our "baby cleaning" as comparable to others' spring cleaning......well, we're still plugging away [thanks to the help from many friends!]......and for those of you who do keep their house spotless and have a wonderful cleaning schedule [or a maid?], I applaud you!! That is NOT me [as recently witnessed by many more people than I am completely comfortable with]!!
We have rearranged rooms and are on the last stage of getting the nursery ready and organized. In fact, the full sized crib just got completely put together last night [as well as our new dbl stroller! What a great hubby!! Better late than never!!!] and the crib is ready for the sheets that are coming out of the dryer sometime this afternoon. Our porta-crib is getting a makeover with the foam being recovered by a lady willing to take in all my sewing projects *LOL*. We happened to have most of a vinyl tablecloth that I had gotten originally to recover our dining room chairs and she'll use it to make the foam waterproof again {YAY!!}. She is also fixing some blankets that have the binding coming off and an OLD Strawberry Shortcake blanket of mine [yes, mine!] is getting a makeover as well [my request is just to have her fold it in 4ths and bind the edges, making a good baby blankie for the floor]. I am awaiting a pattern to come in at Joann's Fabrics for covers for the carseats and have already picked out a couple fabrics i really like and think will coordinate well with each other and the stroller---Pink Paisley and Violet Paisley. they are dark enough to not shout "stain me!" and still be girly and pretty. I loved all the pink and brown stuff, but there were NO coordinating fabrics in the store that weren't mostly white. These are the SAME patterns, just in different colors. I believe I could even get green or yellow in the same pattern! No matter, I will be getting extra fabric to also help recover an old swing and various other projects. I'm so happy to be able to rely on a 'seamstress' that won't charge me an arm and a leg, but I am happy to give her business to help support her and her family.
Back to the cleaning........I am majorly lacking in the strength, ability, and endurance areas, so slow going is all we got! I will ever be grateful for the friends that have come in to help [and motivate]. There is no way our laundry would be getting done, the baby clothes be on the shelves and even our pots and pans cleaned [even if the counter is still cluttered!].
I hope having places for things will make it easier for dh and others that come in after the babies come [and for me and the kids as well]. Most concerning? Probably the lack of ability for anyone else to use the washing machine or dishwasher without me *LOL*...... The older 2 kids understand the dishwasher, but the soap and fabric softener/vinegar for the washing machine get confusing for them [and anyone else that comes in and sees my variety of products!!]. does anyone else water down their fabric softener?!? It works just as well when it is 1/2 and 1/2 and the vinegar rinse? I usually use it and only the fabric softener on stuff I want extra soft or smelling extra good. I also tear the dryer sheets into 1/4s or 1/6s in the summer--we'll go down to 1/2s for fall and maybe have to use full ones for winter to cut back on the static. Yeah--I'm probably over the top frugal, but it works!!! It just confuses anyone else ;> and my dh hasn't tried to load the dishwasher since it was installed, but I'm hoping the kids can continue that chore without him as long as he can step up to other tasks.......and that list keeps growing..... we now need a new flusher on the downstairs toilet [the "chain" on the inside isn't metal, but plastic, so there was no 'repair with paperclips' or something].........and I'm really hoping the sectional missing the hide-away-bed gets a board in it so company won't get lost when they sit know, all the little things *LOL*
We have rearranged rooms and are on the last stage of getting the nursery ready and organized. In fact, the full sized crib just got completely put together last night [as well as our new dbl stroller! What a great hubby!! Better late than never!!!] and the crib is ready for the sheets that are coming out of the dryer sometime this afternoon. Our porta-crib is getting a makeover with the foam being recovered by a lady willing to take in all my sewing projects *LOL*. We happened to have most of a vinyl tablecloth that I had gotten originally to recover our dining room chairs and she'll use it to make the foam waterproof again {YAY!!}. She is also fixing some blankets that have the binding coming off and an OLD Strawberry Shortcake blanket of mine [yes, mine!] is getting a makeover as well [my request is just to have her fold it in 4ths and bind the edges, making a good baby blankie for the floor]. I am awaiting a pattern to come in at Joann's Fabrics for covers for the carseats and have already picked out a couple fabrics i really like and think will coordinate well with each other and the stroller---Pink Paisley and Violet Paisley. they are dark enough to not shout "stain me!" and still be girly and pretty. I loved all the pink and brown stuff, but there were NO coordinating fabrics in the store that weren't mostly white. These are the SAME patterns, just in different colors. I believe I could even get green or yellow in the same pattern! No matter, I will be getting extra fabric to also help recover an old swing and various other projects. I'm so happy to be able to rely on a 'seamstress' that won't charge me an arm and a leg, but I am happy to give her business to help support her and her family.
Back to the cleaning........I am majorly lacking in the strength, ability, and endurance areas, so slow going is all we got! I will ever be grateful for the friends that have come in to help [and motivate]. There is no way our laundry would be getting done, the baby clothes be on the shelves and even our pots and pans cleaned [even if the counter is still cluttered!].
I hope having places for things will make it easier for dh and others that come in after the babies come [and for me and the kids as well]. Most concerning? Probably the lack of ability for anyone else to use the washing machine or dishwasher without me *LOL*...... The older 2 kids understand the dishwasher, but the soap and fabric softener/vinegar for the washing machine get confusing for them [and anyone else that comes in and sees my variety of products!!]. does anyone else water down their fabric softener?!? It works just as well when it is 1/2 and 1/2 and the vinegar rinse? I usually use it and only the fabric softener on stuff I want extra soft or smelling extra good. I also tear the dryer sheets into 1/4s or 1/6s in the summer--we'll go down to 1/2s for fall and maybe have to use full ones for winter to cut back on the static. Yeah--I'm probably over the top frugal, but it works!!! It just confuses anyone else ;> and my dh hasn't tried to load the dishwasher since it was installed, but I'm hoping the kids can continue that chore without him as long as he can step up to other tasks.......and that list keeps growing..... we now need a new flusher on the downstairs toilet [the "chain" on the inside isn't metal, but plastic, so there was no 'repair with paperclips' or something].........and I'm really hoping the sectional missing the hide-away-bed gets a board in it so company won't get lost when they sit know, all the little things *LOL*
Friday, September 18, 2009
Pregnancy Update 9/18/09
Went for my weekly appointment on Friday. It went much better than last week--the doc seeing me while my OB is gone was looking forward to a weekend off--he told me the name of the other doc on call this weekend while he finally got a break :) Why did he tell me who was on call? Well, probably because I am 36 weeks, 75% effaced and dialated to a 1.....with twins.....
My urine and bp still look great, even though the swelling is getting pretty horrible in my hands and feet. I'm at 189lbs. and my belly was measuring at 40. He insisted the swelling was pretty good and he's surprised it hasn't been bad before now. The only way to help it is to keep my feet up, which i try to do at least some during the afternoons.
My OB gets back on Thursday, so we'll see if we can last that long :)
I also got to go see our family doctor who delivered my last 2 but is no longer delivering. I wanted to ask him if he had time for 2 new patients and give him the heads up on the twins :)
When he walked into the room, he said, "Hello, Fertile One!" Always good for a laugh! He is no longer doing any on-call work and will not see the babies in the hospital at all--it will just be whoever is on call, so I didn't get a lot of answers about hospital policy on the "what-ifs", but he was encouraging about me being this far along, saying there is a higher than 95% possibility that we won't need any kind of NICU time, thus, no separation from me and the babies [since the NICU is in the other hospital]..... He was encouraging and uplifting and seemed to be doing well himself now that he isn't constantly working like he has been for the last 25 years or so...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
what? breastfeed twins? are you insane?
Those are the basic reactions from people--disbelief--ignorance.......even from "pro-breastfeeding" people!!
How? Are you sure? Really? Do you need bottles? You're going to be so tired! Really? That will be so hard! Will you get anything else done? What about the other kids? Really? Do you need special pillows? How? Really?
Thanks for the encouragment......and, yes, a special pillow or 2 would be GREAT, but $$ is an issue for me, so we'll see!!
Yes, I plan on exclusively breastfeeding my twins. And doing it as long as I can. I will pump if I have to and I will supplement if I HAVE to, but breastfeeding twins CAN be done and although I am in the dark on some things (namely, will they tandem nurse and what are the positions possible? Things that i can't answer until I try and find out what my girls want/need), but having successfully nursed 4 singles through their first year, I'm hoping hoping hoping that I can find the support needed to nurse these 2 blessings as well.
Here's just a little info that I have found helpful in order to prepare:
Pictures Pictures Pictures [be aware--there is some exposure :)]
Breastfeeding Twins
How? Are you sure? Really? Do you need bottles? You're going to be so tired! Really? That will be so hard! Will you get anything else done? What about the other kids? Really? Do you need special pillows? How? Really?
Thanks for the encouragment......and, yes, a special pillow or 2 would be GREAT, but $$ is an issue for me, so we'll see!!
Yes, I plan on exclusively breastfeeding my twins. And doing it as long as I can. I will pump if I have to and I will supplement if I HAVE to, but breastfeeding twins CAN be done and although I am in the dark on some things (namely, will they tandem nurse and what are the positions possible? Things that i can't answer until I try and find out what my girls want/need), but having successfully nursed 4 singles through their first year, I'm hoping hoping hoping that I can find the support needed to nurse these 2 blessings as well.
Here's just a little info that I have found helpful in order to prepare:
Pictures Pictures Pictures [be aware--there is some exposure :)]
Breastfeeding Twins
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
OKAY--sorry for no update since my OB appt. on Friday.....
not much to update, except I am refusing to deliver until my OB is back (24th)......
well, okay, I've now since come to terms that they may not wait and we may have to deliver with a less than cooperative dr. on call. I'm now okay with that. My dh and I are on the same page with wanting/needing a natural vaginal delivery unless absolutely medically necessary. And we know what each other means by that--unlike some doctors who, out of convenience and liability, will push for a c-section if anything looks SLIGHTLY off, thus, also pushing for an epidural or spinal and delivery in an OR.........not my ideal birth plan........
ANYWAY--that is why no update--I was too emotional and worked up to share.....
My bp was just slightly higher, but still normal, normal urine, normal weight gain [now at a total of 41 lbs gained, if I remember correctly], normal measurements [at 34 weeks, 39], and they are both vertex. Although, Abigail [A] was posterior [face-up] and Elizabeth [B] is down low crowding her sister as shown on this dr.'s quick ultrasound [which he finds necessary to determine position in case of delivery soon, being the pro-c.section doc he is]. Hopefully, Elizabeth will give Abigail the room to descend into the birth canal and all will "fall" into place when the time comes. I am having Braxton Hicks contractions still, sometimes fairly intense, but nothing to send me to the hospital--nothing regular, no gushes of water [just continual leaking of discharge/urine, apparently--sorry for the TMI *LOL*]..........
just me.......on a self-induced moderate bedrest now.....just doing less and less that may encourage delivery too soon......
not much to update, except I am refusing to deliver until my OB is back (24th)......
well, okay, I've now since come to terms that they may not wait and we may have to deliver with a less than cooperative dr. on call. I'm now okay with that. My dh and I are on the same page with wanting/needing a natural vaginal delivery unless absolutely medically necessary. And we know what each other means by that--unlike some doctors who, out of convenience and liability, will push for a c-section if anything looks SLIGHTLY off, thus, also pushing for an epidural or spinal and delivery in an OR.........not my ideal birth plan........
ANYWAY--that is why no update--I was too emotional and worked up to share.....
My bp was just slightly higher, but still normal, normal urine, normal weight gain [now at a total of 41 lbs gained, if I remember correctly], normal measurements [at 34 weeks, 39], and they are both vertex. Although, Abigail [A] was posterior [face-up] and Elizabeth [B] is down low crowding her sister as shown on this dr.'s quick ultrasound [which he finds necessary to determine position in case of delivery soon, being the pro-c.section doc he is]. Hopefully, Elizabeth will give Abigail the room to descend into the birth canal and all will "fall" into place when the time comes. I am having Braxton Hicks contractions still, sometimes fairly intense, but nothing to send me to the hospital--nothing regular, no gushes of water [just continual leaking of discharge/urine, apparently--sorry for the TMI *LOL*]..........
just me.......on a self-induced moderate bedrest now.....just doing less and less that may encourage delivery too soon......
Thursday, September 10, 2009
"Free" Udder Cover

But I just heard about THIS great deal and would love to try it---with coupon code either Chatter or cushv2.
I like Laila--what about you?!?
For $8.95 [that is the shipping cost], these would be great! I've seen them as tutorials for making them yourself, but I'm thinking it would cost just about that $9 for the materials, let alone the time and effort!! Not making the purchase right away, but it is definitely on my mental wishlist, that's for sure!!

NOW--here are some udders that need a cover-up!! *LOL*
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ancient History -- Great Scientists

I've mentioned our MOH volume 1 before, but I just ran across another GREAT supplement to our ancient history studies!! And just in time for this 3rd quarter also! Her study of the Great Ancient Scientists begins with Thales, dated 630-543 BC, not listed in MOH, but a great supplement to the times at the end of quarter 2 or beginning of quarter 3. Then comes Pythagorus {MOH Lesson 64}, Anaxagoras {not listed, but between lessons 70-72}, and Hippocrates {lesson 77}. Quarter 4: Aristotle {lesson 83}, Euclid {not l isted, between lessons 86-87}, Archimedes {lesson 87}, and for next year's volume II: Ptolemy {90-168 AD}. She includes time line figures plus great reading and extras on each of these scientists--all in a free pdf download here.
Not doing Ancient History? She also has Middle Ages and Modern Great Scientists!! I will download everything she has for free now because she may not have them available later! What is great is she has intended this for the grammar stage students {1st-4th grades}, or they can be read alone by the logic stage students {5th-8th grades} and supplemented with other extras.
Monday, September 7, 2009
What would make life easier?

I've turned my wish list to the right into a "make life easier" list and included the registries I've made at Target, Wal-Mart, and Babies R Us. The reason? Well, Target and Babies'R Us each do incentive programs for their baby registries---anything NOT purchased we can get for 10% off and they should be sending the coupon for that sometime soon [or close to the due date]. Why Wal-Mart? Well, it is just a wish list, not a baby registry--and that is because the other 2 stores don't carry all the things on my personal wish list. They don't have all the portable crib stuff or the Hoover Floormate or even the Arm's Reach Co-sleeper!! But does (as well as other stores, but I like that you can ship to store without extra shipping costs and pick it up locally at Wal-Mart).
SOOOOO----I am not telling you all to buy me stuff, but I am keeping track of what I think would be nice to have to spruce up the nursery, keep me organized, and keep me on track with new twin babies coming and MAYBE we can actually use that 10% discount to get a few things later!! If this helps anyone know what we "need", then great---but please know that I'm not trying to tell everyone to go out and buy stuff for us, but if you just really WANT to get these sweet baby girls something, then there are registries you can go to!
WalMart Ad Matches thru 9/8

grapes $.79/lb;
bagged bananas $.35/lb
BarS HotDogs $.50/1 {x 4} = $2 {regularly $.88/1, saved $1.52}
Breyer's Ice Cream $5/2 {regularly $7/2, saved $2}
Heinz Ketchup 20-24 oz $.98
10 lb bag russett potatoes $1.99 [limit 1] {on sale for $4, saved $2.01}
1/2 gallon Hiland's 100% OJ $.99 [limit 1]
i don't remember the regular prices on the ketchup and OJ, but I am thinking they were about 1/2price. There are many other great deals, but these were what was on my list {we had a boy turning 7 on Saturday, thus the ice cream and the OJ to go with Saturday's breakfast!!}
WalMart also had 3lb bags of Granny Smith apples for $2.50.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Pregnancy Update week 34

Gained 3 lbs this week--which is good. My belly measured at 39, and I am truly proud of myself because I was pretty sure a couple days ago both babies turned head down and my OB agrees!! I went from feeling kicked/punched by someone {Abigail?} WAY down low all over to feeling like I had toes in my ribs and greater pressure down low.......
My bp and urine still both look great. I am just a tad bit dialated and starting to thin, although it is still quite thick and high. She did confirm our suspicions of Abigail being head down when she checked my cervix also----she felt her head, which means that she may not turn again if she has lowered this much. YAY!!
Time to kick it into gear and pack bags, I guess. I'm kinda figuring we may have 3 weeks more but maybe not--it's so hard to guess!! And I don't want to make myself impatient if we go the whole 6 weeks more either!!
Bridge to Terabithia

I know there has been a recent movie based on this book, but I never saw it--never even wanted to. The previews were all too mystical for my liking--too forgetful of God and worshipful of His Creation and the mystical make-believe world instead......
But the book. the book.......hmmmm......
I've been pre-reading a lot of the juvenile and young people books in our library so I can know what may or may not be good for my 8yo dd {reading at a 5th grade level with mostly understanding}. She cannot get enough reading material for her liking and would be lazy all day with a book if I would let her. The problem is usually that she is just reading for the entertainment value and it could just be fluff---no real substance. Sometimes, that is okay, but I know there is better use of her time.
When I picked up one of our library's copies, I noticed some blacked-out words. Someone had kindly inked over the 5-6 words that were questionable in their mind. Indeed, after looking intensely and reading the context, I saw these were words I definitely did NOT want my children to be reading, let alone KNOWING existed in this manner ~LOL~ If used as a read-aloud, I could easily replace or skip these few choice words. I could also explain them, but I do not see the benefit Paterson could have been thinking of when including them. The setting and mind-set of poverty was captured without the swearing, I believe, although I see the truth behind their usage.
When I picked up one of our library's copies, I noticed some blacked-out words. Someone had kindly inked over the 5-6 words that were questionable in their mind. Indeed, after looking intensely and reading the context, I saw these were words I definitely did NOT want my children to be reading, let alone KNOWING existed in this manner ~LOL~ If used as a read-aloud, I could easily replace or skip these few choice words. I could also explain them, but I do not see the benefit Paterson could have been thinking of when including them. The setting and mind-set of poverty was captured without the swearing, I believe, although I see the truth behind their usage.
And then I began......"Ba-room, ba-room, ba-room, baripity, baripity, baripity, baripity-Good. His dad had the pickup going..." The story is less about this magical land presented in the movie previews and more about the growing up of an impoverished young boy. It is his story. His thoughts. His family life. His friendship with a neighbor girl that brought him into a new growth. She shows him how to imagine--how to think. It is amazingly REAL, capturing who this young boy IS and the difference between his world and his friend's, yet all the while, the similarities. They share a bond of friendship that goes beyond any teasing from friends and they create a magical playland in the woods they dub Terabithia. It is a retreat--a playhouse--a playground where they rule as King and Queen. Yes, they spend hours of every day imaginable there in their wonderland, but the book does not dwell on all the aspects. There are imaginary creatures and they "pray" to the gods of the forest, yes, but not because that is their religion---that is what is found in the classic books she informs him about.
Church is only attended on Easter and Christmas and is a drudgery for a little boy who hates being stuffed into new clothes and trying not to snore through what he sees as boring. Heaven is what is obtained by believing in God, not a sacrifice made and committing yourself to Him. There are many questions raised for discussion about religion and Truth, but not explored enough to leave a distaste in my mouth for wrong explanations. It is left pretty much open-ended. These kids are uninformed on the matter.
Warning: I cried. I will not tell you the ending and I will not tell you what I cried long and hard about---but I was touched and the well-written award-winning book "Bridge to Terabithia" definitely has some depth and can be made into a good school read, IMO, although I don't know how long I will wait till letting my children have at it.
Apparently, there are all sorts of study guides that can be found also, like this one at Amazon, although I haven't looked at any of them.
And now, I am curious about the movie. Not for my kids, but for me---anyone see it? Does it go more along with the book than the previews let on?
And now, I am curious about the movie. Not for my kids, but for me---anyone see it? Does it go more along with the book than the previews let on?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Art Carnival

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