We have started our fall history---quarter 3 of volume 1 Mystery of History. Thus, the start of a new history lapbook about not just Daniel, but the Babylonian captivity and rulers and the food pyramid and general health information. Homeschool Helper has a Daniel lapbook and most of these links will be from there, denoted by an *. Since we are going in chronological order thru our history book, I'm trying to put it together chronologically also.
Book of Daniel accordian fold*
The Captivity of Babylon -- this is a group of notebooking pages that I got and I cannot find the site anymore. I will only be using page one and turning it into a booklet. If you want this pdf file, just ask!
The Ishtar Gate -- I made this book on word doc. and can email it to you if you are interested!! Information and picture gathered from bible-history.com.
We will be focusing on what happened with Nebuchednessar II, Daniel, and the food pyramid this next week, taking a "detour" to study Aesop and his fables the next week and continuing on with our MOH lessons--all those during Daniel's lifetime could add little activities to this Daniel lapbook, but the majority will be completed this week.
Food folder game This will be the second folder or a flap (for my preschooler). She may also have a Medley Match-Up game. The older ones will probably also need an extra flap or 2 in this folder for their coloring pages and activities I have found on the food pyramid.
GuestHallow.com has a free health unit based on the book "Food and Nutrition for every Kid". We will be using several of her mini books from her Nutrition lapbook--especially for my oldest:
Vitamin Storage Petal Book
Fats Chart
Fat Accordian
Nutrition Facts Book
Protein fan book
Protein Wheel
Vitamin ABCs long booklet
Saccaride Dbl Flapbook
Examples of saccharides dbl flapbook
What a way to incorporate Science into our school day!!
Change of names tab fold* I may save this for lesson 62 "Shadrach, Meshac and Abed-nego" along with The Fiery Furnace.
Lion's Den* -- a small unit on lions could be given with a classification of lions and what they eat, etc. This will probably be saved for lesson 67, "Darius I"
I will try to add more......but this will get our week started at least ;)
Friday, July 31, 2009
OB appt. 7/30

Babies heartrates were in the 140s---they have been very active. I could even feel and see a definite foot, elbow, knee, or hand last night (Abigail)!!! Elizabeth has been getting the hiccups frequently also. I think it was helping me figure out where her head was last night--first, breech, then vertex later!!
Anyway--back to my stats--I weighed in with another 5 lbs added [in 2 weeks], making the total so far 30lbs. and although I'm 29 weeks, my belly is measuring 34 weeks. Yet, that is just length-wise and she noticed that I am definitely widening also---they may have been transverse again when she was measuring me, otherwise, I would have measured bigger.
As for the Braxton Hicks contractions that had started--they are less frequent and less harsh now. I have been drinking 64 oz of liquid (mostly water) every day this week......and I was even THIRSTY for more last night!! Of course, this makes me have to get up to go to the bathroom urgently, but this is helping with waking up 6yo ds to make him go to the bathroom also. [He has decided that he does not need any more GoodNights, so there has been a lot of morning baths and washing sheets lately.]
That's just me....and my pregnancy update!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What to do for Preschool?!?
For my first child (girl), it was all about "starting homeschool"...buying kits...you know how it is....
Number 2 (boy) was not as ready for the writing and cutting or singing and nursery rhymes--he still has no interest in the songs and such! I didn't push it.
Number 3 (girl) likes sitting at the table--and has asked to "do school" since she was 18 months old or so. When number 4 came along (boy), it became necessary to have planned activity for the little two, but there definitely wasn't the funds to spend on a bunch--especially when we have so much laying around! Sure, they got some counting, sorting, etc. in their regular play, but it really should have some thought thrown into it too! And if they are within my sight, there is less likely to be a mess somewhere else!! So, a little mess at the table was fine :)
This past year, for the 3yo, she had a letter book. We kinda did a simplified version of the "letter of the week" curriculum that you can find anywhere and everywhere, including free online, but we definitely spread it out [over about 45 weeks instead of 26]. It's SO easy to do this.
Simplified Letter of the Week for age 3
I started out with an accordian folder that is labelled with the alphabet. In each pocket (a-b, c-d, etc.), I put in things that went with that letter. Any stickers I found, coloring pages, stories from old Highlights magazines or other magazines (i.e. a snake pamphlet was in the S file, some preschool letter cards we have were divided into each one, zoobooks filed appropriately, etc.). I also made sure to include one large printout of each letter in block form. A polka dot alphabet would work also. These letters were for matching letter stickers and maybe items that start with that letter which I usually put on my fingers for her to put on the letter (we used up leftover scrapbooking letter stickers and bought more letter stickers wherever and whenever I saw them on sale) and for cutting and gluing practice. You can go with these collage ideas too.
Where did she glue them? In a cheap wide-ruled notebook that we got on sale last summer. This was her Alphabet Notebook. After she glued on the letter, we filled the next couple pages with other drawings or stickers or color pages or booklets about that letter. For instance--following R, we had stencils of raindrops, cut outs of rectangles, and then rainbows I showed her how to draw.
A little over halfway through the alphabet, she started recognizing letters. She now writes her name in capital letters. We did not work on that--we did not spend a lot of time on this, even, but it was all she needed. You can go way more in depth than we did, but we kept it simple, knowing if it seemed too difficult, I wouldn't follow through. And we only did it on days she asked to do school or really needed some kind of planned activity.
What did my 2yo boy do? nothing really productive, but if he opted to be at the table, he was also allowed stickers, paper, glue, scissors, etc. After turning 3, I will help him start his own alphabet book!
Plans for Notebooks for age 4
In about 3 weeks, I will have a 4 year old. Since completing the alphabet notebook and recognizing most letters for PreK3, I think it is time to focus on numbers for a little while. I may use the same accordian type of system or we could just pull down all the preK wkbks sitting on the shelf. I will mix in colors and shapes also--one of those cheapie ruled notebooks will become her Preschool Book for this year--this REALLY cuts back on the mess of papers and "what do we do with this stuff" question. It also lets her use scissors and a glue stick :)
After this, we will go back to letters. I want her to see the lowercase and I have some wipe-off d'nealian sheets of all the letters that she can trace and try to write them. Maybe she will learn sounds. I plan on letting her watch some you-tube videos (there are adorable nursery rhymes, songs, etc.) and Starfall. We'll add in what we can, but a lot of things will probably be "taught" by my 8yo and 6yo as they take turns with the little ones and we will have newborn twins-- a new twist on daily life that I have no idea what it will bring!!
Just me.....and my ideas on a SIMPLIFIED PreK curriculum!!
Benefits of PreK? I believe it helps with a better ability to sit in Sunday School and other church classes and co-ops. It also teaches without pressure as long as you are laid back about it.
Get too laid back and not do anything? They may not be able to sit and use the glue at storytime at the library or other activities we like to go and enjoy. They will also need more of your help (cutting, etc) when you DO try to do something with them (or various other teachers they may encounter).
Don't forget about your preshoolers and toddlers this year!!
The ideas are really endless!
Number 2 (boy) was not as ready for the writing and cutting or singing and nursery rhymes--he still has no interest in the songs and such! I didn't push it.
Number 3 (girl) likes sitting at the table--and has asked to "do school" since she was 18 months old or so. When number 4 came along (boy), it became necessary to have planned activity for the little two, but there definitely wasn't the funds to spend on a bunch--especially when we have so much laying around! Sure, they got some counting, sorting, etc. in their regular play, but it really should have some thought thrown into it too! And if they are within my sight, there is less likely to be a mess somewhere else!! So, a little mess at the table was fine :)
This past year, for the 3yo, she had a letter book. We kinda did a simplified version of the "letter of the week" curriculum that you can find anywhere and everywhere, including free online, but we definitely spread it out [over about 45 weeks instead of 26]. It's SO easy to do this.
Simplified Letter of the Week for age 3
I started out with an accordian folder that is labelled with the alphabet. In each pocket (a-b, c-d, etc.), I put in things that went with that letter. Any stickers I found, coloring pages, stories from old Highlights magazines or other magazines (i.e. a snake pamphlet was in the S file, some preschool letter cards we have were divided into each one, zoobooks filed appropriately, etc.). I also made sure to include one large printout of each letter in block form. A polka dot alphabet would work also. These letters were for matching letter stickers and maybe items that start with that letter which I usually put on my fingers for her to put on the letter (we used up leftover scrapbooking letter stickers and bought more letter stickers wherever and whenever I saw them on sale) and for cutting and gluing practice. You can go with these collage ideas too.
Where did she glue them? In a cheap wide-ruled notebook that we got on sale last summer. This was her Alphabet Notebook. After she glued on the letter, we filled the next couple pages with other drawings or stickers or color pages or booklets about that letter. For instance--following R, we had stencils of raindrops, cut outs of rectangles, and then rainbows I showed her how to draw.
A little over halfway through the alphabet, she started recognizing letters. She now writes her name in capital letters. We did not work on that--we did not spend a lot of time on this, even, but it was all she needed. You can go way more in depth than we did, but we kept it simple, knowing if it seemed too difficult, I wouldn't follow through. And we only did it on days she asked to do school or really needed some kind of planned activity.
What did my 2yo boy do? nothing really productive, but if he opted to be at the table, he was also allowed stickers, paper, glue, scissors, etc. After turning 3, I will help him start his own alphabet book!
Plans for Notebooks for age 4
In about 3 weeks, I will have a 4 year old. Since completing the alphabet notebook and recognizing most letters for PreK3, I think it is time to focus on numbers for a little while. I may use the same accordian type of system or we could just pull down all the preK wkbks sitting on the shelf. I will mix in colors and shapes also--one of those cheapie ruled notebooks will become her Preschool Book for this year--this REALLY cuts back on the mess of papers and "what do we do with this stuff" question. It also lets her use scissors and a glue stick :)
After this, we will go back to letters. I want her to see the lowercase and I have some wipe-off d'nealian sheets of all the letters that she can trace and try to write them. Maybe she will learn sounds. I plan on letting her watch some you-tube videos (there are adorable nursery rhymes, songs, etc.) and Starfall. We'll add in what we can, but a lot of things will probably be "taught" by my 8yo and 6yo as they take turns with the little ones and we will have newborn twins-- a new twist on daily life that I have no idea what it will bring!!
Just me.....and my ideas on a SIMPLIFIED PreK curriculum!!
Benefits of PreK? I believe it helps with a better ability to sit in Sunday School and other church classes and co-ops. It also teaches without pressure as long as you are laid back about it.
Get too laid back and not do anything? They may not be able to sit and use the glue at storytime at the library or other activities we like to go and enjoy. They will also need more of your help (cutting, etc) when you DO try to do something with them (or various other teachers they may encounter).
Don't forget about your preshoolers and toddlers this year!!
The ideas are really endless!
Friday, July 24, 2009
when the cat's away
I guess the saying is "when the cat's away, the mice will play".
Do your kids do this? Leave the room and the schoolwork is forgotten? Rules are forgotten? Knowing mom isn't there, you decide you CAN and SHOULD go ahead and poke sister with the pencil?!? Or just sit and doodle?!?
Just wondering--mine tend to, which makes it fairly difficult to accomplish anything anywhere BUT the school room when they are doing school.
We're working on that though---if I have one follow me around while reading to me or me quizzing them, the other tends to still continue working somewhat while left behind.
Now--what about when dh is away? We don't exactly play, but we sure are more lazy!! No reason to have it ALL cleaned by 5pm every day. No reason to have more than a baked potato for dinner. No reason to......well, you get my drift. Then comes the countdown--Daddy's coming home today!! Let's clean!!! Better catch up on the shopping (he'll need bread for sandwich lunches next week!)!!
My dh doesn't travel much anymore, but he was gone on a Missions Trip with our church this week--not far, just down to OK where the headquarters of Voice of the Martyrs is. He'll be tired when he gets home on Saturday and there is always an adjustment period for everyone, but OOOH how excited the kids and I will be to see him!!!! I told him he better not look at my belly first thing and just go WOW--although it will be nice to see if he really does notice a difference. Living with the growing day-to-day, it's not so noticeable sometimes.
Just me................filling in the void of a lonely Friday night by blogging...........
Do your kids do this? Leave the room and the schoolwork is forgotten? Rules are forgotten? Knowing mom isn't there, you decide you CAN and SHOULD go ahead and poke sister with the pencil?!? Or just sit and doodle?!?
Just wondering--mine tend to, which makes it fairly difficult to accomplish anything anywhere BUT the school room when they are doing school.
We're working on that though---if I have one follow me around while reading to me or me quizzing them, the other tends to still continue working somewhat while left behind.
Now--what about when dh is away? We don't exactly play, but we sure are more lazy!! No reason to have it ALL cleaned by 5pm every day. No reason to have more than a baked potato for dinner. No reason to......well, you get my drift. Then comes the countdown--Daddy's coming home today!! Let's clean!!! Better catch up on the shopping (he'll need bread for sandwich lunches next week!)!!
My dh doesn't travel much anymore, but he was gone on a Missions Trip with our church this week--not far, just down to OK where the headquarters of Voice of the Martyrs is. He'll be tired when he gets home on Saturday and there is always an adjustment period for everyone, but OOOH how excited the kids and I will be to see him!!!! I told him he better not look at my belly first thing and just go WOW--although it will be nice to see if he really does notice a difference. Living with the growing day-to-day, it's not so noticeable sometimes.
Just me................filling in the void of a lonely Friday night by blogging...........
Ultrasound Pictures 7/23
Neither girl was overly cooperative during Thursday's ultrasound. By the end, they both ended up being transverse (sideways), at first facing one another's bottom sides, then both facing down, so baby A's bottom was in Baby B's face :) not really since there is a membrane between them, but that's the idea. A's head was on my right side down at the bottom of the uterus and B's head was on my left side, a bit higher. It seems like they may have more room this way, but I sure hope that at least A's head will head south when the time comes. I was, however, enjoying not getting kicked and prodded in the lower regions for a change.

Ultrasound #3 at 28 weeks

above, Abigail, weighing 2 lbs. 7 oz.

above, Elizabeth, weighing 2 lbs. 8 oz.

This is a sideways pic of the whole uterus, top to bottom (left to right). You can see Elizabeth's head area on top, then an umbilical cord and Abigail's body/bottom and then comes my bladder and cervix.
I go back to see my OB next Thursday again.
What I found at Office Depot
Well, I had $16.07 on my rewards card for Office Depot, so I decided to make a stop and get some of those school supplies we always use up. They were having a mail-in rebate sale (look for many more of these coming the closer we get to "back to school") and I think I did a decent job shopping! I also dropped off another ink cartridge for more credit coming to me later....
Mega Scott Glue Stick, damaged box, 1/2 price $1.49
6pack large erasers $2.99
magnetic storage locker cup (for our new bulletin board) $4.99
post-it flags $2.99
5pack PaperMate Expressions pens $3.99
6pack spiral notebooks $2.99
1" binder $1.99
SUBTOTAL: $21.43 + $1.68 tax
minus card = $7.04
MAIL-IN REBATES for the pens, notebooks and binder ($8.97)
makes my total = $1.93 overage!!
This pays for the stamp and more for the rebate! I could've done a tiny bit better, but I was getting stuff we "needed", or at least will use. There was a $10 minimum purchase on top of the rebate items and we went over this by just $2.46.
Mega Scott Glue Stick, damaged box, 1/2 price $1.49
6pack large erasers $2.99
magnetic storage locker cup (for our new bulletin board) $4.99
post-it flags $2.99
5pack PaperMate Expressions pens $3.99
6pack spiral notebooks $2.99
1" binder $1.99
SUBTOTAL: $21.43 + $1.68 tax
minus card = $7.04
MAIL-IN REBATES for the pens, notebooks and binder ($8.97)
makes my total = $1.93 overage!!
This pays for the stamp and more for the rebate! I could've done a tiny bit better, but I was getting stuff we "needed", or at least will use. There was a $10 minimum purchase on top of the rebate items and we went over this by just $2.46.
Marvelous and Necessary
In my 8yo dd's reading lesson today, she had the adjectives marvelous and necessary. The first question was "Think of some things that are marvelous. Write them." Her response? Mommy, Daddy, Luke, Rachel, Johnathon, God, Jesus, church, friends, Heaven, Me
Next question: "Think of some things that are necessary. Write them." school, chores, helping, playing, God, Jesus, church
Hmmmm. WOW! Not marking any of those out, but it's interesting to see what she sees as marvelous and necessary. I see that she understand the words because all of her other answers are correct......and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading these marvelous answers, so I just found it necessary to share :)
Next question: "Think of some things that are necessary. Write them." school, chores, helping, playing, God, Jesus, church
Hmmmm. WOW! Not marking any of those out, but it's interesting to see what she sees as marvelous and necessary. I see that she understand the words because all of her other answers are correct......and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading these marvelous answers, so I just found it necessary to share :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sketch Tuesday: Noisy Places
Our submissions for Harmony Arts Sketch Tuesday were drawn today. Submit your art of a noisy place by Monday!
8yo dd's Construction Zone

6yo ds's War Zone

Incentives for Reading
I grew up, like most adults I know, participating in the Pizza Hut Book-It program, enjoying a personal pan pizza every so often as a reward for reading. Homeschoolers can participate in this also! Sign up as individual homeschool families and reward your elementary aged kids!
Now--as mom/teacher, how do you determine their reading goals and keep track? Pizza-Hut is making it easier and easier! Printable reproducibles are available for any type of record keeping you want--monthly, by time, number of books or pages, plus you can teach them to write book reports with their easy forms also!! New ones for the new school year should be coming in august. NOW--they do have a cut-off point for signing up and will not approve you if you wait, so SIGN UP NOW!!!
And if ice cream is your thing (and you live near a Braum's), you can double the incentives by signing up for Braum's Book Buddies. We do this through our local co-op as it is less difficult than trying to get approved as an individual homeschool. This is for kids in 1st-5th grades and comes with stickers and charts for each of the 6 coupons for various ice cream treats.
Searching for any other free motivational reading programs, I also found:
-Sylvan's Book Adventure
You can do any incentives on your own of course, but these are even better IMO since they aren't coming out of my pocket *smile*........
Now--as mom/teacher, how do you determine their reading goals and keep track? Pizza-Hut is making it easier and easier! Printable reproducibles are available for any type of record keeping you want--monthly, by time, number of books or pages, plus you can teach them to write book reports with their easy forms also!! New ones for the new school year should be coming in august. NOW--they do have a cut-off point for signing up and will not approve you if you wait, so SIGN UP NOW!!!
And if ice cream is your thing (and you live near a Braum's), you can double the incentives by signing up for Braum's Book Buddies. We do this through our local co-op as it is less difficult than trying to get approved as an individual homeschool. This is for kids in 1st-5th grades and comes with stickers and charts for each of the 6 coupons for various ice cream treats.
Searching for any other free motivational reading programs, I also found:
-Sylvan's Book Adventure
You can do any incentives on your own of course, but these are even better IMO since they aren't coming out of my pocket *smile*........
Friday, July 17, 2009
Free American History Book
If you don't subscribe to The Old Schoolhouse e-newletters or magazine (digital and/or paper), I definitely recommend it for any homeschooler. The wealth of information is pretty incredible. This week's Freebie Friday newsletter had many things listed, but I thought I'd share a free history book from Bradenburg Studies. A Beginner's History of America covers American history up to the Civil War.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Trip to Dillons 7/16/09
Manager Specials:
Bob Mills Apple and Blueberry Granola Mix $2.79
Dillons 8pack hamburger buns $.50/1 x 2 = $1/2
Green Seedless Grapes $.99/lb = $3.15
Kroger cottage cheese $2
Kroger Ketchup $1.29
10 lbs kroger potatoes $2.99
1 gallon "Superman" flavored Kroger sherbet/ice cream tub $2.99 [I cannot recommend this flavor blend--it is cotton candy, banana, and bubblegum--who knew!! not the regular rainbow i expected]
Mega-Sale buy 10, save $5 {price after $.50 is subtracted in parenthesis}:
Kroger individual pizzas (2) $1/1 = {$.50/1}
Chex Mix $2.49 - MQ $.50/1 = {$.99/1}
SoBe LifeWater 20oz (2) $1/1 - BOGO MQ = {$0!!!}
Kelloggs MiniWheats 16-18oz (4) $2.99,
used 1 BOGO and 3 $1/1 from mailer
= {$1.50/1}
Sunny Delight $1 - MQ $.25/1 from mag. = {$0!!!}
my total OOP with $1.26 tax = $24.86
I think I did a decent job even though I haven't kept up on the coupons as of late. To find these printable MQs, go to the list at The Weekly Grocery and support another mommy by clicking on the coupons she lists for the Dillons Sale. I found the Sunny D Q in a parenting magazine at the dr.'s office today--hope they didn't mind me cutting it out :) I think it was Parents, but I'm not sure.......the cereal bigtime Qs are from VocalPoint--sign up to get your great coupons!!! They send various insanely GREAT coupons every once in a while........
Bob Mills Apple and Blueberry Granola Mix $2.79
Dillons 8pack hamburger buns $.50/1 x 2 = $1/2
Green Seedless Grapes $.99/lb = $3.15
Kroger cottage cheese $2
Kroger Ketchup $1.29
10 lbs kroger potatoes $2.99
1 gallon "Superman" flavored Kroger sherbet/ice cream tub $2.99 [I cannot recommend this flavor blend--it is cotton candy, banana, and bubblegum--who knew!! not the regular rainbow i expected]
Mega-Sale buy 10, save $5 {price after $.50 is subtracted in parenthesis}:
Kroger individual pizzas (2) $1/1 = {$.50/1}
Chex Mix $2.49 - MQ $.50/1 = {$.99/1}
SoBe LifeWater 20oz (2) $1/1 - BOGO MQ = {$0!!!}
Kelloggs MiniWheats 16-18oz (4) $2.99,
used 1 BOGO and 3 $1/1 from mailer
= {$1.50/1}
Sunny Delight $1 - MQ $.25/1 from mag. = {$0!!!}
my total OOP with $1.26 tax = $24.86
I think I did a decent job even though I haven't kept up on the coupons as of late. To find these printable MQs, go to the list at The Weekly Grocery and support another mommy by clicking on the coupons she lists for the Dillons Sale. I found the Sunny D Q in a parenting magazine at the dr.'s office today--hope they didn't mind me cutting it out :) I think it was Parents, but I'm not sure.......the cereal bigtime Qs are from VocalPoint--sign up to get your great coupons!!! They send various insanely GREAT coupons every once in a while........
Pregnancy Update
Went to the OB today--at 27 weeks gestation, I'm measuring 33 weeks--WOW!!! Blood pressure is fine, heartbeats were fine (not up for recalling the numbers). I've gained 2lbs a week this month, making my total gain at 20lbs so far (25 if you count my real pre-preggo weight and not my first appt. weight at 13 weeks).
BE FORWARNED--THIS MAY BE TMI, but I'm gonna just be upfront and frank about stuff [not like I'm up for blushing when mentioning the vejayjay anymore]
{BTW--how in the world do you spell that for real? If you have no clue what I'm talking about, just skip it--that's okay!!}
Since I'd started having the fake Braxton Hicks contractions already (bad momma, not drinking her gallon-a-day of water!!), my nice OB did a cervix check. Great news--still high and thick, just how we want it at this point. But we do have #3 ultrasound scheduled for next Thursday and my next OB appt. in 2 weeks (another WOW!!).
Other great news (?!?) is we got the gestational diabetes screening out of the way today also. Since there was a wait for the busy doc, they sent me to the lab for the nasty cup full of Triaminic-like orange goo. I think I'll go with the lemon-lime if I have to do that again. And, you know what? IF I know they are doing a test like that, I'm gonna opt for the nectarine instead of the Zebra Cake with my lunch--but, alas, I did NOT know we would do it today. I thought I had to fast and do it first thing in the morning with my previous pregnancies. Either I've lost all memory or I was just plain wrong. I HOPE I do not have to do it again for this pregnancy--but if I do, I'm definitely going for the fresh fruit instead of the cake of sugar calories that day. I had my fill of sweetness after that orange drink, that's for sure!!!
And, one more pat on my back--I didn't cry when they drew blood! YAY for me!! LOL I told the nice lady who was very good and quick that I used to be a big baby about this stuff, but at least I didn't cry anymore! She kinda laughed. When I told her after 4 babies and getting poked just about everywhere, I was getting used to it, she stared at me with the shock of "you have 4 other kids?!?" Ummm, yeah, that wasn't my point, but YAY me for not crying when she stuck me with a needle that will leave a bruise for a few days......just me.............
BE FORWARNED--THIS MAY BE TMI, but I'm gonna just be upfront and frank about stuff [not like I'm up for blushing when mentioning the vejayjay anymore]
{BTW--how in the world do you spell that for real? If you have no clue what I'm talking about, just skip it--that's okay!!}
Since I'd started having the fake Braxton Hicks contractions already (bad momma, not drinking her gallon-a-day of water!!), my nice OB did a cervix check. Great news--still high and thick, just how we want it at this point. But we do have #3 ultrasound scheduled for next Thursday and my next OB appt. in 2 weeks (another WOW!!).
Other great news (?!?) is we got the gestational diabetes screening out of the way today also. Since there was a wait for the busy doc, they sent me to the lab for the nasty cup full of Triaminic-like orange goo. I think I'll go with the lemon-lime if I have to do that again. And, you know what? IF I know they are doing a test like that, I'm gonna opt for the nectarine instead of the Zebra Cake with my lunch--but, alas, I did NOT know we would do it today. I thought I had to fast and do it first thing in the morning with my previous pregnancies. Either I've lost all memory or I was just plain wrong. I HOPE I do not have to do it again for this pregnancy--but if I do, I'm definitely going for the fresh fruit instead of the cake of sugar calories that day. I had my fill of sweetness after that orange drink, that's for sure!!!
And, one more pat on my back--I didn't cry when they drew blood! YAY for me!! LOL I told the nice lady who was very good and quick that I used to be a big baby about this stuff, but at least I didn't cry anymore! She kinda laughed. When I told her after 4 babies and getting poked just about everywhere, I was getting used to it, she stared at me with the shock of "you have 4 other kids?!?" Ummm, yeah, that wasn't my point, but YAY me for not crying when she stuck me with a needle that will leave a bruise for a few days......just me.............
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I've been getting the Prepared Pantry e-newsletter and enjoying the ideas although I am SO NOT a kitchen person and prefer mixes usually [if I could afford it], so I thought I'd share one of their recipes for breakfast pizza. We have everything but the peppers, eggs and cheese, so this will probably make it to our dinner table this week (or maybe a brunch on Saturday). Having my girls [and boys sometimes] beside me in the kitchen may be stressful, but it really will help with this one--as I'm making one dough, my 8yo can be making the 2nd one (Cause there is no way only one would feed us!!). Maybe this could be a freezable dish too..........homemade breakfast pizza from the freezer just needing reheating? YUM!
Recipes like this make me SO happy to have my Tupperware skillets from when I sold--they are oven safe (and I have a couple 10 inch and one 6 inch--if anyone is interested, I have a couple of their lifetime guarantee pieces of cookware back in the storage closet that really need to be sold--NIB, 1/2 of retail values OBO!!!)
OK--gotta go get a mid-morning snack.......let's see what I can dig up....maybe peanut butter on crackers?!? Strawberry smoothie?!?! ham and cheese rollups [with pickles]?!?!?! MMMhhh--I must be pregnant or something *LOL* YUMMY!!!!
The Spirit at work
as in the HOLY Spirit.......
I didn't share the awesome results of our Vacation Bible School and now it seems pretty necessary...
For a church that avgs <100 in Sunday School, having 145 kids and 77 helpers on our biggest night was just huge!! There were 6 that responded to the lessons/msgs, heard the Spirit's call and were saved during the week. THEN, Sunday morning the sanctuary was packed for the program and 2 more little girls went fwd......
Last night, our little 6yo J came to me, a bit teary-eyed and said "I asked God into my heart so I could be a Christian". I didn't want to be too overjoyed because he's "asked Jesus to come into his heart" before with no real understanding of sin, forgiveness, etc., it was just cause that was the right thing.......WELL......he completely gets it now. Turns out, he had read thru the little send-home pamphlet from VBS about "How to Become a Child of God"--he understood it all and knew that he needed to take that step......PRAISE GOD!!!
It looks like he will go fwd and share this with the church Sunday morning and there will be a baptismal service sometime soon......
I didn't share the awesome results of our Vacation Bible School and now it seems pretty necessary...
For a church that avgs <100 in Sunday School, having 145 kids and 77 helpers on our biggest night was just huge!! There were 6 that responded to the lessons/msgs, heard the Spirit's call and were saved during the week. THEN, Sunday morning the sanctuary was packed for the program and 2 more little girls went fwd......
Last night, our little 6yo J came to me, a bit teary-eyed and said "I asked God into my heart so I could be a Christian". I didn't want to be too overjoyed because he's "asked Jesus to come into his heart" before with no real understanding of sin, forgiveness, etc., it was just cause that was the right thing.......WELL......he completely gets it now. Turns out, he had read thru the little send-home pamphlet from VBS about "How to Become a Child of God"--he understood it all and knew that he needed to take that step......PRAISE GOD!!!
It looks like he will go fwd and share this with the church Sunday morning and there will be a baptismal service sometime soon......
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Bit Spacey

Anyway--this just

WELLLLLLLL.....now what to do with all the papers and STUFF that the kids come home with, have good info on and they really want to keep....hmmmm.......since I caught them drawing planets on their free Saturday morning, I asked if they wanted to do a space lapbook (really, astronomy was supposed to be our summer science and it never has happened). SO---into my file of space lapbook stuff I've collected and back to homeschoolshare for more relevant booklets. If you're looking for more fun, yet school-like space stuff, search learning page.com for their space stuff--grades PreK thru 3rd grade math, science, and language worksheets. It's free to sign up, but you do have to log in.....great simple math review for those not doing regular school right now--all with a space theme!!
Now, we ar

Now that I've made it thru a week of late-night VBS, I am in desperate need of a week-long nap (LOL)......or maybe just a Saturday afternoon nap, so the little one and I are headed upstairs soon so i can be totally spacey and relaxed, perhaps get some rest so the hormones and emotions will not break out and take charge of my cloudy, allergen-filled brain----ahhhh, to be weightless and floating on a "cloud"....I think I may have found my lamaze "happy place"!!!
Staples is offering free paper and more!!

Check out Common Sense With Money to find out how to get a whole bunch of office supply/school stuff for REALLY close to free (we're talking pennies!!)
I have no idea how my trip might really play out--not planning a trip to town till Thursday, so I may really be too late to get in on the best deals......but what we REALLY always need to replenish is good crayons, colored pencils, and glue sticks.....not to mention ink cartridges [ugh!]. I also have not done the rebate thing with Staples yet--have a gift card here waiting for another trip to Office Depot from their Star Teacher program, though.
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