I've always tended to be a bit on the spacey side--walking into the room and forgetting why I was there, pausing mid-sentence and not knowing what I was saying. Just this morning, I was cooking scrambled eggs and needed to go blow my nose [darn allergies + a hormonal break-down]. While in the bathroom, I'm looking at my hair, thinking it looks okay today--so I take out the mirror to look at the back of it, fluff it a bit, then head back to the kitchen....OH!! I was cooking eggs! Thankfully, they weren't burnt, just a little stuck to the pan........good grief!!
Anyway--this just

leads me in to say we just finished our week of VBS--the
Answers in Genesis curriculum called "Operation Space". It was awesome--our usual Sunday School attendance (adults and kids) is around 100 and every night this week, we had over 130 kids plus the adults. And many of these kids are unchurched! Most are public schooled. Most have no idea about Creation Science, just Evolutionary Science or a strange combination of the two. We were able to teach and lead these kids to God's Truths and show them that His Word is the Absolute Authority. We also had a special guest come visit on Thursday--Mr. Aken is an astronau

t and has been in space 4 times, holding the record with 2 other guys for the longest spacewalk of 8.5 hours. He is a Christian and he shared some really cool pictures and info for us all. Pretty awesome for a little midwest town that doesn't even have a gas station anymore, let alone a street light--just a few churches and an elementary school.......
WELLLLLLLL.....now what to do with all the papers and STUFF that the kids come home with, have good info on and they really want to keep....hmmmm.......since I caught them drawing planets on their free Saturday morning, I asked if they wanted to do a space lapbook (really, astronomy was supposed to be our summer science and it never has happened). SO---into my file of space lapbook stuff I've collected and back to
homeschoolshare for more relevant booklets. If you're looking for more fun, yet school-like space stuff, search
learning page.com for their space stuff--grades PreK thru 3rd grade math, science, and language worksheets. It's free to sign up, but you do have to log in.....great simple math review for those not doing regular school right now--all with a space theme!!
Now, we ar

e not sitting down and DOING school today, I just started printing pages (always printing an extra for my master notebook) and my eldest has a clipboard of some planet stuff to do whenever and however. She's started gathering all her color pages and other papers from this week, adding them to her clipboard. My 6yo boy with have a file folder here close to my desk and so will my 3yo girl--eventually, probably having a ziploc baggie for all the things they cut out. Currently, I hear my 8yo daughter "teaching" crafts and having class at the dining room table--my 3yo has her new treasured bible [a Gideon New Testament] and insists on carrying it everywhere. Making paper airplanes may not be constructive, but it is definitely keeping them busy......and hopefully, they'll decide to do a little more of the stuff I printed for them. If not, we'll tackle it on some free afternoons when they need planned activity ;-)

Now that I've made it thru a week of late-night VBS, I am in desperate need of a week-long nap (LOL)......or maybe just a Saturday afternoon nap, so the little one and I are headed upstairs soon so i can be totally spacey and relaxed, perhaps get some rest so the hormones and emotions will not break out and take charge of my cloudy, allergen-filled brain----ahhhh, to be weightless and floating on a "cloud"....I think I may have found my lamaze "happy place"!!!
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