Thursday, March 31, 2011
Grocery Deals 3/30-4/5
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Walgreens Trip 2/6/11
YAY for getting out of the house after blizzard 2011. We went to the store last Monday in preparation for the snow which waited till later that night. And then didn't stop and didn't stop and didn't stop--it was beautiful! And it kept us home for a few days to many =). I finally got out and away from the insanity today and feel completely restored! Well, maybe not completely--dreading another late night and early morning with congested babies who feel the need to drain me dry--literally...
Thursday we received about 3 more inches on top of the 12-16 from blizzopia, but it all started to melt on Saturday just in time to refreeze and get more tonight. I've never seen snow like this. Not all at once anyway. Pretty amazing.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Dillons trip 1/29/11

all sorts of MQ available in print or online, I used a $.50/8 and $.50/4
12 cups for $4, or $.33 each
There was no catalina that printed or anything else like was reported and why I got 12, but it was still a great deal!! Wish I'd gone ahead and used up all the yogurt coupons!
I had a MQ for buy 3, get a 4th free, which took off $.99
4 cans rotel for $.97, or $.24 each
I had 2 $.50/1 MQ which doubled
2 tubes toothpaste for $.08, or $.04 each
printed 2 MQ for $.75/1, creating a moneymaker after they doubled!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Need razors?
Just me......planning out my trips to Wags........will also be getting cereal this next week [and vitamins!!]...........
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Wags 1/4/11
If you are new to this couponing thing or don't understand how I could possibly get a good deal at Walgreens, head over to Hip2Save and watch her videos. She has many of the deals I do--nope--I am rarely original and steal almost all my ideas ;)
I was in Webb City last night for Bball practice, so went to their Wags and was just slightly disappointed. I hope a trip in ours will go a little better. They were out of the 19cent 5packs of mechanical pencils which would be the BEST fillers ever [have to use a WQ to get that price], so I resorted to the 39cent bowl fresh and rubber gloves [again, WQ].
Oscillo for Children $8.99
-printable MQ $2/1 [it's a beeper, but they should push it thru]
the WQ does NOT work for this product
{received $9 RR}
= $2 moneymaker
Crest 6.4o toothpaste $2
-$.75/1 MQ [Jan. p&g]
{received $1 RR}
= $.25
Finish Electrosol $3.99
-$2.25 MQ [1-2 SS, I believe]
{received $1.50 RR}
I was OOP $9.48 + tax and received $11.50 in RR.
It also printed out a catalina for a free box of breathe right strips.
The Nestle deal---see HERE for uptodate Wags deals
4 liquid coffeemates BOGO $2.49
-4 $1/1 printable MQ
4 stouffers skillet meals 2/$8
-4 $1/1 printable MQ
{received $5 RR for spending $20+}
= $7.98
3 fillers = 2 bowl fresh and 1 rubber gloves $.39/1
[this is so I can use 3 RR]
Used $9 Oscillo, and 2 $2 p&g from last week
= $1.15 OOP and recieved $5 RR.
was a repeat of 1 minus the finish.
I used a filler of a 69cent gum
and used the $5 RR
= $3.93 OOP and received $9 and $1 RR.
WITH TAX, I spent $15.40 OOP and came home with $12.50 in RR
= a REALLY good trip to Walgreens!!! ;)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wags 12/29/10

This was a necessary trip since I forgot toilet paper yesterday. Of course, I stopped at the Dollar Tree again to see if there were any KC Star left--nope! Oh well!! I had big plans for lots of transactions, but, alas, left the checkbook at home. No biggie--going back tomorrow with my friend Diana to show her the ropes!! YAY!
First transaction:
Febreez 25% off $2.46 [it's cheaper at Dillons this week--$1.49], but it rounded out my deal.
used MQ $1/1 from a mailer
Tide Stain release $3.99
used MQ $1/1 from mailer
Bounce Dryer Bars $3.99
Used $2.50/1 from vocalpoint mailer
OOP = $5.94 and since I spent $10 [$10.44 to be exact] in certain items, received $2 RR
Second Transaction:
Huggies wipes [my filler--a cheap item that you do not have a MQ for] $2.99
- Walgreens Q $1/1 = $1.99
2 olay 2pack bars, BOGO 50% off $2.99/1
- 2 $2/1 MQ from January p&g insert = $.48 [12cents per bar]
Charmin 9count $4.49 sale
- MQ $1/1 from mailer = $3.49
Used the $2 RR because I had a filler [which I chose a more expensive filler because it was a NEED].
And spent $3.96 OOP.
According to the receipts, I saved $18.33. This isn't completely accurate because the stuff is sometimes cheaper elsewhere, BUT I still saved and got GOOD stuff. Lookin forward to ANOTHER trip Thursday!! LOL~
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wags Moneymaker 12/28/10
I had this all typed out and then my busy busy 14month old Elizabeth eraased it, so this will just be short and sweet......
FIRST, i went to DollarTree to pick up a couple extra Sunday papers for a $1. Then I snagged the $4/1 sinex product out of the p&g insert.
The best deal would be to have 4 of those coupons and grab 4 of the $5 box of Dayquil Sinex. When you buy $15 of certain sinex/vicks stuff you get $5 RR, or buy $20 and get $10. You would only spend $4 OOP and receive $10 RR, MAKING $6!!!! I didn't foresee the box of dayquil sinex being included, so I didn't buy enough papers, but I got 2 boxes of them, a sinex spray for $6 and a babyvaporub for $4 with $1 MQ and the 3 $4/1 MQs, paying $7 OOP, and still making $3!! YAY!! There are all sorts of combos to make money with this. I plan on getting more papers if I can and even scanning the recycling dumpster for anyone on top of the game and already throwing out this sunday's paper.
I also want to get in on the pantene and herbal essence and aussie deals--none free, but good deals when you go thru it like we do!!
Just to fight some sinus junk.....