Friday, November 5, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

Trying to summarize months at a time was just too intimidating, so here is just a weekly wrap up.
MONDAY was MOPS, followed by drive thru lunch and a trip up to my sister's house [her kiddos were out of school] where we had way too short a time of cramming in the visiting and fun. Babies love love loved their soft, furry, half-grown kittens and the big girls found a few owl pellets for our bird science unit.
TUESDAY was our day 1 of the week after recovering from the 3 day weekend and clean-up, we had a bit of school done too.
WEDNESDAY was John's birthday, so we celebrated with a yummy cheesecake , but used cherry pie filling on the side instead of the gorgeous fresh strawberries.
THURSDAY was a wasted day, except for co-op. Thank goodness for our co-op teachers---my kids got art, pe, music, and science, oh, and tons of social interaction, so I guess it wasn't a wasted day, huh.
FRIDAY started out as a disappointment. Abigail was sick in the night so we were gonna have to miss the field trip to George Washington Carver, but my friend tripled her cargo and workload by adding in my 4 to her 2--thank the Lord for good friends!!! And i got to discover life with twins without my big helpers--not as devastating as I thought it would be, but I also got them to nap at the same time which is HIGHLY unusual, but let me mop the kitchen and feel good about that!!!
Now I get to blog and plan our grocery shopping for tomorrow--looking forward to some much needed hubby time and family time---hoping everyone stays healthy *shrug*.

We did read about a Chinese Empress and Beowolf as well as make plans for a pagoda birdhouse to build next week out of paper cups/plates/bowls.........behind on grading and lesson planning without 'my' computer, but still optimistic about next week-it will be better than this one...I hope....even if we have to make it thru a stomach bug.......God will provide the strength, willpower, and patience.......
Trying to enjoy each day,
Just me..........

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