....at least for a little while!! My sweet chubby 23 month old has decided to potty train (with the incentive of chocolate and being a "big boy").....I do not have expectations of it to last or be complete for quite awhile, but washing out undies is cheaper than diapers (plus he's doing really well). We'll see how going places works for us--I may be packing the potty chair (yet his stout bottom doesn't really fit on it well--he prefers the big potty--and it's much easier to 'point down' when you have the space to spread the legs).
Now I have the question--do I go with pull-ups for nighttime and naptime? We'll see what's cheapest I guess, but he does insist on getting up from bed a couple times before going to sleep (and I'm not sure if this is just a way to get up or what, but he sometimes does go), so resealing the diaper is not as easy as pullups going up and down like undies....I do want to know if anyone stuck with undies at night also and, although changed sheets for awhile, had them night-time trained as well?!?!? My 3yo girl and 6yo boy both wear nighttime pants and will until they decide it's time to not anymore, but it sure would be nice to do the nighttime training also....
I do NOT want a debate about ages to potty train--I'm usually not for it until they are 3 years old AND ready, but I pray that this will stick and he won't regress after the babies are born.
OH--and the other debate for potty training boys--sit or stand--for me, that's a no-brainer! Have a 2 year old stand and try to aim? NO WAY!! My 6yo and other older nephews miss all the time and I am in NO hurry to make more bathroom messes than we already have! I'm actually hoping cleaning the bathroom will help my 6yo remember to 1-lift BOTH seats, 2-AIM, 3-close both seats *SMILE*
Anyway, just a bit of **YAY** for my dear sweet cuddly boy........
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Ultrasound #2
Everything went well with Ultrasound #2 last week. Both gir
ls were about 9 oz. and measuring a few days short of the 19 calendar weeks that I am supposed to be. These videos are just a few seconds long, although they are taking me a LONG time to download. I have several more but I don't want to overload anyone else's computer either :)

We do think there are 2 placentas, and since the babies are similar sizes, there is probably little concern about them sharing the nutrients where one gets more than the other. I'm hoping we can settle on names soon (biblical first, family middle), so they aren't just termed "the twins" or "the girls" right away, although that is natural and expected........Baby B has been the most active and seemed to turn first, then baby A would follow, both staying in similar positions--if one was breech, so was the other, then when B turned transverse (sideways), so did A. I thought it unusual to see them so stretched out--mine seemed to usually have their feet up at their heads, in the "fetal" position, but baby B especially really stretches out!! I am not feeling a ton of movement, but my placenta(s) could also be blocking a lot of that.
I think baby bottoms and baby feet are adorable--they are disgusting later in life, but on babies? CUTE!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What is progressing around here besides my pregnancy?
***DS L will be 2yo in a few weeks and he has now moved into a "big boy bed" in the next room. Although not without a few moments, this move signifies great progression! He was in the portable crib by our bed and now even runs to his bed for naptime (with occasional urging from me).
***I've made it thru the baby clothes, sorting and organizing until I got all sizes weeded thru and boxed back up, labelled and stacked in the closet, ready for girl 0-3month to come out first!! That may not LOOK like progression, but it sure does feel like it! The kids's shelves and dressers are also all organized and sorted--if it doesn't fit, that means something HAS to go!! And it has been coming and going around here for awhile now (I just love my network of hand-me-downers).
***Lately I've opted for downtime in the form of crafty stuff like I usually do while pregnant--namely, a stamped crossstitch I started while pregnant the first time around--and, yes, 9 years later, it is making progress!!! There are sections actually getting completed! And dd H has joined me with her own plastic canvas stamped crossstitch butterfly which she is now doing very nicely with less and less help from me.
***SCHOOL.......keepin' on with school and making great strides in completion, although dd H will not finish her 2nd grade wkbks until Aug. because of extended and unplanned breaks this school year---we are one lesson away from completing this year's history though (complete this week) and I have next year's lesson plans almost DONE! I have not done ds J's 2nd grade lesson plans nor science--we will probably just wing it on both of those, but dd H's 3rd grade plans are done and I have a basic history outline with some extra activities thrown in also--whew!! I have NEVER planned ahead like this!!! I hope this helps life continue "post-babies" and helps give the kids planned activity. Next on this list? PreK boxes/shelves to keep little ones busy--this comes after school room is organized!!
***NOW--back to the pregnancy!! YES, that is progressing also, as evident by the protruding belly!! Both baby girls are around 9 oz. each, measuring right under the 19weeks the calendar tells me I am.
What is progressing around here besides my pregnancy?
***DS L will be 2yo in a few weeks and he has now moved into a "big boy bed" in the next room. Although not without a few moments, this move signifies great progression! He was in the portable crib by our bed and now even runs to his bed for naptime (with occasional urging from me).
***I've made it thru the baby clothes, sorting and organizing until I got all sizes weeded thru and boxed back up, labelled and stacked in the closet, ready for girl 0-3month to come out first!! That may not LOOK like progression, but it sure does feel like it! The kids's shelves and dressers are also all organized and sorted--if it doesn't fit, that means something HAS to go!! And it has been coming and going around here for awhile now (I just love my network of hand-me-downers).
***Lately I've opted for downtime in the form of crafty stuff like I usually do while pregnant--namely, a stamped crossstitch I started while pregnant the first time around--and, yes, 9 years later, it is making progress!!! There are sections actually getting completed! And dd H has joined me with her own plastic canvas stamped crossstitch butterfly which she is now doing very nicely with less and less help from me.
***SCHOOL.......keepin' on with school and making great strides in completion, although dd H will not finish her 2nd grade wkbks until Aug. because of extended and unplanned breaks this school year---we are one lesson away from completing this year's history though (complete this week) and I have next year's lesson plans almost DONE! I have not done ds J's 2nd grade lesson plans nor science--we will probably just wing it on both of those, but dd H's 3rd grade plans are done and I have a basic history outline with some extra activities thrown in also--whew!! I have NEVER planned ahead like this!!! I hope this helps life continue "post-babies" and helps give the kids planned activity. Next on this list? PreK boxes/shelves to keep little ones busy--this comes after school room is organized!!
***NOW--back to the pregnancy!! YES, that is progressing also, as evident by the protruding belly!! Both baby girls are around 9 oz. each, measuring right under the 19weeks the calendar tells me I am.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Hypocritical?!?! *LOL*
Today I was out for an OB appt. and stopped at Braum's for lunch. I debated about getting a jr. burger, but ended up with their #1--1/3lb burger with everything except onions and mustard, fries, and a chocolate shake. OMG! It tasted so good, I found myself oohing and aaahhhing, mmming and mmmhhhing with each bite, then I pictured myself in my mind as I wiped the mayo off my cheek. What did I see? (this is in my mind, remember) I saw the Hardee's commercials which are the reason we do not eat at Hardee's--you know the ones--where she is VERY seductively devouring her thickburger. Oh my--yes, it was THAT good. But then again, i'm 18 weeks pregnant with twins--LOL--AND it has been a LONG time since I've eaten a really good Braum's burger (you know, not a cheapie $1 McDonald's one or some other jr. burger). And of course, I was not propping my scantlily clad legs up on anything or any other sort of seductive mannerisms (haha--plus the big pregnant belly), and I did stop my groaning after I realized what I was doing and enjoyed my silent ride home with a full stomach......even sharing fries with the kids later.........
ANYWAY.........for anyone wanting an update, my OB appt. went well. I am, according to the calendar, 18 weeks. I measured 20-21 weeks. Perfectly normal. The last ultrasound's official results were 2 fused placentas and 2 sacks--no reason for high risk or extra rest at all as of now. I have only gained 4 lbs in 4 weeks and my bp was 118/72. I go in for another ultrasound next Thursday, May 21st. I hope to make it a lunch date with dh. ;)
I have worked up to getting 32-64 oz of water per day (YAY me!) and really trying to steadily drink that 64 so I can push on past that for more.......I want these babies to stay put until they are ready and I'd love to not have so many Braxton Hicks contractions this time--fluids should help.......
ANYWAY.........for anyone wanting an update, my OB appt. went well. I am, according to the calendar, 18 weeks. I measured 20-21 weeks. Perfectly normal. The last ultrasound's official results were 2 fused placentas and 2 sacks--no reason for high risk or extra rest at all as of now. I have only gained 4 lbs in 4 weeks and my bp was 118/72. I go in for another ultrasound next Thursday, May 21st. I hope to make it a lunch date with dh. ;)
I have worked up to getting 32-64 oz of water per day (YAY me!) and really trying to steadily drink that 64 so I can push on past that for more.......I want these babies to stay put until they are ready and I'd love to not have so many Braxton Hicks contractions this time--fluids should help.......
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
cribs, bassinets, cosleepers, pack-n-plays....OH MY!!
Okay, well, we have been blessed with a crib from friends (new mattress too!). We already had a portable crib that has been thru all 4 of our first ones, but I knew it would be too small for both twins, except for maybe at the VERY beginning. We need a new mattress for it, but will probably settle on making one since it seems difficult to find any portable crib ANYthing, including sheets, etc.
Now I used this portable crib basically as a cosleeper, but it is higher or much lower than the bed, and I have to lift over the side rail too, so although it was right next to the bed, it was not REALLY convenient and they usually stayed in bed with me after nursing once anyway. It also did not attach to the bed, it was either wedged between the bed and wall or able to roll away.
I do NOT see how this can happen with twins, although very possible. And I figured a pack and p
lay for downstairs would be the best thing for future use as well, but the weight limits for the top bassinet/changing area and other things just made me wonder what to do......then I discovered the Arm's Reach Co Sleeper and I wonder if I can find a nice used one of these!!! It looks like the benefits of a pack and play plus more, but i am REALLY not sure. From what I've read, most graduate their twins from cosleeping here to their own cribs around 4 months and I am not sure I want to do that, although that is when they start squirming more and may need to be separated in order to not wake the other--I figured one would be in bed with me while the other was in the bassinet or this co sleeper. I also still probably need a downstairs nap option .... hmmmm ....... decisions decisions!!

Pictured is the "natural" original arm's reach cosleeper. This side lowers to about master bed heighth and the mattress (comes with one fitted sheet) is a little lower for twin #2 to sleep while I take care of twin #1....or to easily view them or change their diapers at night (or day). This seems also to not be as portable and easy to take down and transport as a pack n play, although it does also come with a transport bag. Now you are asking--price tag? Yeah, it has one--from their site, $210. Toys R Us-- $170....and I know I would prefer more than one sheet--it says short sheet, so I wonder the dimensions and finding other cheaper sheets anyway--might be similar to bassinet sheets, which would be very nice....
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