We do think there are 2 placentas, and since the babies are similar sizes, there is probably little concern about them sharing the nutrients where one gets more than the other. I'm hoping we can settle on names soon (biblical first, family middle), so they aren't just termed "the twins" or "the girls" right away, although that is natural and expected........Baby B has been the most active and seemed to turn first, then baby A would follow, both staying in similar positions--if one was breech, so was the other, then when B turned transverse (sideways), so did A. I thought it unusual to see them so stretched out--mine seemed to usually have their feet up at their heads, in the "fetal" position, but baby B especially really stretches out!! I am not feeling a ton of movement, but my placenta(s) could also be blocking a lot of that.
I think baby bottoms and baby feet are adorable--they are disgusting later in life, but on babies? CUTE!
AWEEEE~!!! I just love ultrasound pictures~!!!!! Thanks for sharing honey~! GL deciding on names that was always so stressful for us~!
ReplyDeleteI too love the baby toes! So adorable! Did they confirm that they are both girls?
ReplyDeleteYes--they were both confirmed to be girls, I just didn't post the "girl parts" pics *LOL*