Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Double Blessings

I've announced my pregnancy with #5, but the news keeps on coming!! I finally made it to my new doctor last Friday and received the shock of my life when we did an ultrasound and found 2 BABIES!!! They were both a swimming and kicking around as active as could be--could see baby "A" easier than baby "B", but got normal heartrates on each of them and she scheduled another ultrasound with an ultrasound tech for this Wednesday to take all the measurements and get a twin gestation (due date). We may even find out genders! We'll see!!!

After the shock wore off and reality set in, excitement was mixed with OMG!!! I was all laid back and fine with #5 coming--it's all old news, nothing really new--well, now, this is totally new and totally different!! This moves up my due date, it makes a birth plan need to be VERY flexible, including possible c-section(s), nursing is a whole new ballgame and lets not even discuss the need for a vehicle that seats 8+, a twin stroller, 2 carseats, rearranging bedrooms, among many other things (like dbl diapers/wipes, baby wash, bathtubs, baby food, and more?).......oh and school? Yeah--I have 2 in school (we really didn't plan on stopping for summer anyway) and 2 that need to be entertained--gotta get all that planned too!

SO--I will be making my giant wishlist at some point, we will probably have a baby shower (my dh's aunts are insistent) and will probably register at Babies R Us and places like that--we do NOT need 2 of EVERYthing, but we will need many things that we thought were taken care of already......

NOW--back to NOW and the pregnancy. Ever heard the myth of "eating for 2"? Well, I know that's a myth and you really only need an extra 300 calories for a normal pregnancy--but my CONSTANT hunger made me wonder what I needed......HAH!! I was given permission to call dh to bring me a milkshake on his way home when I read a parenting magazine article online. According to this, I need to have 3500 calories per day, mostly high in iron and calcium, but not forgetting about all the other vitamins/minerals. No wonder I have been craving dairy! Eggs are supposed to be great for me also......I guess dbl the weight gain is also normal-AHHH!!! My norm is gaining 50 lbs per pregnancy and this time would've taken me close to that 200 mark anyway--guess I'm probably gonna blow that out of the water! My sweet dh insists that I've always lost the weight before--don't worry about it, but this, again, is totally different. Healthy is my goal though, despite whatever the scales say--it will be hard enough to just keep up with my nutritional needs. I'll be 30 this fall and I have sensed a change in my metabolism, so we'll see about losing weight when babies #5 and #6 are having their first birthdays ~smile~.
WATER~~~Are you good at drinking water? I'm not--never have been, but despite the "6-8 recommended glasses" I always tend to get by with 1 or so. WELL--get this--twins? Try drinking 2 gallons a day to be in top shape and help avoid preterm labor.....well, I'll start with 32 oz. That's a lot for me--maybe I can up it as we go.

Look for a wishlist coming soon--I'm gonna be researching and looking into all sorts of products that I just would've passed on before. Now? I sure wish I was one of those bigtime bloggers that got stuff sent to them so they could review it and tell the world!!

1 comment:

  1. Chug that water woman~! Put a squeeze of some sort of citrus in it... makes it go down easier. :)
