Saturday, February 28, 2009
Huggies jumbo pack diapers $2.33/pack
Don't wait to print your Qs though, they could be gone soon!!!!
Huggies Jumbo Packs $10
Buy 3, use 2 $5 MQ, 1 $3 MQ
OOP = $17, receive $10 RR, spent $7/3 or $2.33/1
My goal? Find 2 other people with an extra $3 MQ and repeat deal with 3 $3 MQ...
= $3.67/1, an avg with transaction #1 of $2.99/1.....
I may very well stock up on itty bitty baby diapers if I can justify storing them for 7+ months :) But I have one using GoodNights, 1 using nighttime training pants, 1 in diapers and 1 on the way--whatever I can do to save!!!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
trivium education
- grammar
- logic
- rhetoric.
Logic is concerned with the thing as-it-is-known,Grammar is concerned with the
thing-as-it-is-symbolized, andRhetoric is concerned with the thing-as-it-is-communicated. [1]
- arithemetic
- geometry
- music
- astronomy
From Wikipedia:
Morris Kline classifies the four elements of the quadrivium as pure (arithmetic), stationary (geometry), moving (astronomy) and applied (music) number.[1]
This schema is sometimes referred to as classical education, but it is more accurately a development of the 12th and 13th centuries with recovered classical elements, rather than an organic growth from the educational systems of antiquity. The term continues to be used by the classical education movement.[citation needed]
In classical education, it seems that the belief is kids begin learning in the "grammar" stage, moving on to "logical" and the asking and discovering of WHY around the 5th grade, then the high school "rhetoric" years. Read more about classical education here or:
Taken from Trivium Pursuit:
Ten things to do with Children before age 10
1. Reading & Writing
Intensive Phonics; Copywork; start English Language Notebook
2. Oral Narration
3. Memorization
Bible; poetry; passages of literature; Greek and/or Hebrew alphabet
4. Hearing & Listening
Read aloud 2 hours per day from a variety of fiction and nonfiction; start History Notebook; timeline
5. Family Worship
Family Bible study morning and evening using grammar level questions
6. Arts & Crafts
Provide the time, space, and materials; develop creativity
7. Field Trips & Library
Start learning elementary library research; investigate the world
8. Work & Service
Schedule for chores; visit nursing home, etc.
9. Discipline
First-time obedience
10. Play & Exploration
Develop the imagination
So--do we follow these? No, but I find them interesting and it's something I'm looking into. We bought the boxed curriculum and then found it to be too much. Yet I'm not disciplined enough to just fly by the seat of my pants and make up my own unit studies, etc. I really like the Trivium Pursuit e-newsletter and agree with the Classical Education I've heard so much about. It's OK if your 8year old can't multiply or even add/subtract or read--the classical educators seem to believe it's OK--they'll get it! Keep reinforcing ideas and then, around age 10 or so (logic stage), they'll just GET it! No pressure before then at all--relax, read, enjoy, play......what novel ideas :)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Homeschool Freebie of the day

Todays resource might be great for upcoming science fair projects!! It's from NASA......
Our homeschool group is planning a science fair in March--it is a small scale version of the public school science fairs--not so much pressure, just a way to showcase what we are working on in science! All ages are welcome--from itty bitty to high school! It can be experimental or non-experimental and we just need something to show and something to hopes this spring? If we can kick science into gear, it'll be astronomy/solar system/space........but we'll see!!
PriceCutter Deals
these all rang up half-price, so getting one should be fine also:
BOGO Best Choice Crackers (selection is few--mostly unsalted left), $1.95
BOGO Deli cut delimeat $4.00
BOGO American Beauty 16oz Pasta $1.70
I always have to check their reduced bakery rack and other items in the back by the bathrooms. I got $.79 hamburger buns and $.99 white sandwich bread as well as expired boxes of corn bread $.20/1.
ALSO on this discount shelving (I haven't tried MQ with these, so it's just a guess)--
Gillete Fusion Phenom razors $5
Use $4/1 {2/8 PG}
= $1
Always Infinity Pads (lg boxes--30+) $5
Use $1/1 {mailers/booklets/samples}
= $4
There was also some edge and gillette shaving cream, softsoap body wash, covergirl makeup, and much much more---none jumped out as extremely great freebies, but you never know!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
And, although I've been mostly blogging about the latest deals and keeping track of my shopping and deals here, I hear the outcry for more homeschooling and lapbooking......haha.....hardly an outcry, but whatever, right? Blogging's like a journal, right? A very public peek into someone's private life--their passions. Well, not exactly THAT public when you are itty bitty like me, but who knows!
So, I hear ya already--and I'll see what I can do.........
Us homeschoolers hesitate to blog about the bad times--we get enough of a bad rap from the "public". But you ever had a week where you don't touch the lesson plans? Or maybe a month? Ughh...Okay, it hasn't been a month, but it's really been hit and miss for a couple weeks now. There's a lot of life going on--My 8yo has chosen to take this "sick week" to read just about the years worth of read-alouds and any other book she can get her hands on. When I get around to writing those all down, I'm not sure I can fit 12 "hours" {i.e. lessons or chapters} into one day or not, but we'll see how the breakdown goes......what's amazing? The 6yo boy has listened and enjoyed most of these books as well!! Maybe dad's declaration that NO fun is to be had until the toy room is clean has contributed to their bookworm attack.........haha
Just FYI--the "No fun" declaration really just took away any outside of school activities, playdates, GameBoy, MP3players, and movies......we don't have a TV in the house, so that is a LOT for these kids--yet not enough to motivate them to clean on their own though......hmmmm....on to plan C, dad?!?!?
Shopping deals
Anyway--PriceCutter is having some great BOGO items that I PLANNED on doing a school trip with my 8yo dd and listing the prices to see if they really are great deals. I guess BOGO Best Choice crackers will be the only thing we stock up on from there, though :)
I'm searching the Walgreens ad for next week though and finding what I am sure to need/want.
- Royal Instant Pudding
WQ 4/$1 (remember the Amish friendship bread? it calls for pudding!! I'm pretty sure this is cheaper than Aldi's) - Colgate toothpaste $.99
(if you haven't used all your $1 MQ, you still can!) - Gilette Fusion Gamer Razor $8.99
(our Walgreen's has yet to stock this razor--has never had it YET)
Use $4/1 MQ {2/8 PG}
OOP $4.99, but receive $6 RR, profit $1.01 - Match the razor deal with a Venus Embrace for $8.99 or a Spa Breeze razor and matching cartridge set and get an additional $4 RR. I haven't figured up the matching MQs and best deal yet--but I know there has to be one, either that or they are just trying to get you to buy more and not be satisfied with an overage :) No other blogger I read has listed this yet...but be sure to check out others I reference to soon!
- Reynolds Wrap 20ft.
WQ $.89
Here's your chance to use up the $1/1 MQs you might have left--after you have a year's worth stocked up [or whatever your pantry will hold, share your abundance of foil with churches, friends, or other food banks/charities (Salvation Army, Carthage Crisis Center)] - One-A-Day Multivitamins
WQ $6/1, I believe the 60ct are usually $7.99
Use $1/1 MQ {1/4 SS or printable}
OOP $.99 - Tums $4/1 (there are other offers, buy $30, get $10 RR, but this is the one I could use, although I'm gonna keep checking to see what the best deal is for us)
Have to buy 8.......
Use 4 $1/2 MQ or 8 $1.25/1 {1/25}
OOP $20-$28, receive $10 RR, spending $10-$18 or $1.25 - $2.25/1 - Kraft Shells and Cheese 3/$5
$1/1 printable
If you can get 3 MQ, =3/$2, or $.66/1
If you just use 2 MQ, = $1/1 - Theraflu 2/$10
Use 2 $2/1 printable
Get $4 RR = FREE!! What timing!!! - Dr. Pepper, 7 up, Sunkist, or Canada Dry 2-liter, buy 4/$5
Get $2 RRs
4/$3 after RRs! or $.75/1
If you can use the free Q mailer for Diet Dr. Pepper, these will figure to $.44/1!!!
Check out Deal Seeking Mom for her list too.....
free baby gifts
Johnson's Baby Relief Kit This was more invasive--they make sure to tell you they are sharng your email. Then you have to complete like 6 more steps--making sure to scroll down and click "no thanks" on most everything. I have one email that I reserve for these type of offers. Not worth it for me--but it might be for you--anyone ever followed thru with a program like this?!?!
Monday, February 16, 2009
My Walgreen's 2/15-2/21

use Wag Q $.89
use MQ $.50/3 {2/8 KCStar inserts}
= $2.17/3 or $.72/1,
OOP=$6.99; Receive $9.99 ESR, profit = $3.00
Use $1/1 MQ {Smart Market Mailers}
{Note--I was notified the pdf $1.50/1 Colgate Q is a fraud, so I have discontinued use and would encourage others to destroy the file and printed Qs also}
black and color,
Friday, February 13, 2009
Amish Friendship Bread
Amish Friendship Bread
The Recipe
Important Note: Don't use metal spoons or equipment. Do not refrigerate. Use only glazed ceramic or plastic bowls or containers.
Required Main Ingredient
1 cup live yeast starter
day 1:
Do nothing with the starter.
days 2-5:
Stir with a wooden spoon. {or smash in the bag}
day 6:
Add 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup milk. Stir with a wooden spoon.
days 7-9:
Stir with a wooden spoon. {or smash in the bag}
Day 10:
Add 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar and 1 cup milk. Stir. Take out 3 cups and place 1 cup each into three separate plastic containers. Give one cup and a copy of this recipe to three friends. To the balance (a little over one cup) of the batter, add the following ingredients and mix well.
1 cup oil
1/2 cup milk
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
In a separate bowl combine the following dry ingredients and mix well:
2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1-1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 - (5.1 oz) box instant vanilla pudding
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup nuts
Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients. Mix and pour into two well greased and sugared bread pans. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour.
Amish Friendship Bread Recipes and Variations Page
Amish Friendship Bread Variations #1
Amish Friendship Bread Variations #2
Amish Friendship Bread Variations #3
What's your motivation?
What is your motivation?
My dear sweet husband is my motivation to clean, like I've mentioned before....or maybe someone coming over.....but should pleasing others be our motivation?
What should my kids' motivation be for cleaning their toy room?
Because I said so? *haha*
To make mom or daddy happy?
New toys (or old ones newly re-found)?
Room to play?
To please God?
Hmmmm.....just wondering what our motivation SHOULD be.....our motivation to clean, our motivation to make a nicely presented dinner, our motivation to have a nicely upkept vehicle, our motivation to look nice........and just because we know we SHOULD doesn't necessarily always MOTIVATE us...........
Our looks--that's the 2nd topic I want to explore--I let my personal hygiene and care go to the wayside after baby #1 was born--no time for that! I was taking care of someone else 24/7!! Who can shower, fix hair, apply makeup, etc., when you'd rather just roll over to feed the baby and go back to sleep!! I thought--well, God made me and I'll just go a~natur~al.......WELL--true that God made me how I am and make-up is not necessary, but taking CARE of myself is, so here I am after baby #4 and still finding that good balance of looking nice for my husband, feeling good about how I look, but not placing any extra emphasis (or time) on looks......
Besides--what is my motivation?!?
First, I think we should strive to please God in all things. Unfortunately, this isn't always great morivation. I guess the whole intangible thing does little to motivate, especially most little ones. Especially little ones who want to know WHY God says this or that or cares if our house is clean. {Warning--you cannot use the cleanliness is next to godliness line--first of all, that is SO false, and there is no second of all}
Second, as a wife, I should also strive to please my husband. Mine cannot thrive in complete chaos (I learned CHAOS stands for Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome from He also likes it when I feel good about myself and occassionally likes make-up and fixed hair (i.e. not in ponytail). Thankfully, my dh loves me and wants what is best for me and our children also, so pleasing him will trickle down to providing a good example and environment for me and our kids.
What's your motivation?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Arts Education--adding electives to your homeschool
If you're like me, you rely on local co-ops for your music, art, and PE. BUT, adding some picture or music studies always sounds like a good idea :) This site seems to make adding the arts as an elective for your homeschool easy. If I can stand my pretend dancers "tapping" for a month, we'll study the great tap dancers and make a little lapbook about them. Maybe we can move on to another subject after that--just a short time on the computer for them is a special treat and they are learning! If we ever accomplish a lapbook--I'll try to compile the list of resources to share.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Valentine's Day sites
***educationworld ~has links to other sites including this one: ~has valentine cards to print and ones to color
***Historyofvalentine ~History of Valentine's Day
****lessonplans~Looks like good ideas for older elementary ages
****theholidayzone ~Easy to navigate--several ideas for crafts and activitiesI'll be using some of the songs/rhymes/fingerplays for co-op preschool
*****American Heart Association lesson plans and printables.
*****File Folder Fun has great heart games for prek-2nd idea to make this more simple is to do ONE folder with colors and several baggies with the other matching games, just stapled maybe......and you can do your own hearts out of the colored ones for even more matching games--addition problems, number words and numerals, english and spanish words, etc.
****Purrfect Kitty Valentines and more!!
Deals here and there...
They are still doing the $3 off 10 item deals......
Ever wondered about using a company's coupon on a different item? Or thought it wouldn't work? WELL--here is the secret!! It CAN and DOES work sometimes!
Print your own cleaning supply coupons and save at Walgreens this week.
I plan on this:
Transaction 1:
Fusion Gamer on sale $8.99
Use $4.00 MQ {2/8 P&G}
OOP $4.99, receive $6 RR
Transaction 2:
2 Scrubbing Bubbles wipes $3/2
printed $3/2 MQ
2 windex wipes$3/2
2 printed $1.50/1 MQ
2 Starbucks chocolate packs $10/2
2 $1/1 MQ {from a blinkie by the chocolates}
1 ESQ $3, comes off both, so -$6
chocolates will cost $1/1
total comes to $6, but use $6 RR, so just pay tax?!?
Transaction 3:
Another Gillette Fusion Gamer Razor
get $6 RR
Transaction 4:
4 Axe deodorants/antipersperents 25% off
Use $6 RR
OOP $6.84 and get 2 movie passes!!! {that is worth what I spent in all 4 transactions!}
MAYBE a 5th transaction for another razor so I can have the RR for next weeks deals--hopefully much better than this weeks!! And a little birdie tells me they will be!!
ALSO--check out the Glade coupons and deal listed so your house can smell nice and romantic for this weekend :)
2/11-2/17 2009
I haven't dbl checked to make sure these are the lowest prices available, but they look like decent deals--please tell me what I miss!!
- Tyson Fresh Boneless Skinless Fryer Breast Fillet or Tender 1/2 price = $1.99/lb
- Williams Bacon 12oz. $1.79
- Kraft Ranch Dressing 16oz. $1.87
use MQ $1/2 {SS } = $1.37/1 - Hiland Sour Cream or Dip 8oz. $.79
- Hiland Butter Qtrs. 1lb. $1.79
- Powerade 32oz. $.79
- Musselman's Apple Juice $1.69 (Aldis offbrand is probably cheaper)
I just saw one stand out deal and that's grapes for $1.68/2 lbs??? Good Grief--the Aldi's circular is missing in action! But I know it was a good deal and I don't buy grapes (even in winter) unless they are cheap......
I haven't been in our WalMart lately except for diapers, so I haven't researched a whole lot, BUT I was read somewhere that you can get Purina $4/1 MQ (you must select a charity and I just had to search for one in my state since none in my area are registered) and there is a cat food less than $4 to get for free--but using it on an 18 lb bag would still be a great value if you buy cat food regularly anyway or are in need of some (unless you are just trying to get freebies and hope some other company comes out with another big Q).
Also--an ongoing deal if your WalMart carries sample Tide detergent in the travel section for around $.98 (my town does not, but local ones do), find the $1 MQ in the mailers or even the lower priced ones from the Sunday inserts and get Tide for dirt cheap!
Check this out for a great list of deals!! INCLUDING using those Tuna Qs from VocalPoint mailers!!! We'll see how our prices match up against hers........
Check out these coupons.......maybe some new ones you haven't printed yet?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I was not designed for this.......
But I am not designed to withstand this parenthood thing alone. The added stress of going to the hospital to visit their Papa (my FIL) among other things is not helping of course, but the last time dh was gone a week, by the 4th day I settled into a depression--not wanting to do anything but sleep. School and housework took a backburner. I made precautions for this not to happen again. We have activities planned so we are going going i feel GONE.......I'm worn out physically, emotionally, and a little spiritually too.
And it's just day 4.
I avoid bed until I know I'll go to sleep quickly.
I hate crawling into cold sheets.
It's much better when he warms them up for me first :)
....ughh.....I was definitely not designed for singleness...........I'm too clingy, needy, and incomplete without my dh here to keep me on track. He helps me stay motivated to clean. Before, I could live in a pigsty and not notice until someone rang the doorbell. I could have a pile of dirty clothes that i step over until I can't step over them anymore...I'm pretty oblivious to clutter and mess---WELL, I used to be until he brought them to my attention.
OH--that orange shouldn't be left on the table for 3 months? OK, honey!
WHAT? A metal pan will leave rust stains on counter tops? I guess that's why they are supposed to be put away, not just left for the next use out where you know where they are........
Yeah--he completes me--more like wakes me up to reality!! Maybe I need medication. Maybe i just need sleep.....MAYBE, just maybe, I need my dh home by my side keeping me sane. I know I know!! What doesn't break you makes you stronger........blah blah blah.......just let me whine a little!
I'm just me--not designed for this, that's for sure.....
Don't miss it!!
Thanks, Shannon! It would've gone into the recycling without another thought if I hadn't seen your post!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Grocery Deals 2/4-2/10
PriceCutter has milk for $2.59/gallon!! Unreal!! They are $.10 less than Dillon's sale price.
Dillon's has another type of sale event where you buy 10 and get $3 off--not the $5 of the last 2 weeks, but depending on your coupon match ups--a great deal!
See The Grocery Weekly for how to get Fruit Snacks for free OR $.28/box (ANYONE have MQs to share from the KCStar?!?!?!?!? My kids will LOVE you!)
And here is what I have found so far.....
Colgate Total Toothpaste 2/$5
If just buying one for $2.50 works,
$1.50/1 EQ
$1.50/1 printable (email me for the pdf attachment)
or $1/1 {2/1 SS}
= $.50 overage or FREE!!
Kellogg's select cereals 9-12.25oz $1.67/1
EQs at cellfire:
$.50/1 Honey Nut Cheerios, $.75/1 MultiGrain Cheerios
EQs at
$.75/1 Wheaties, $.75/1 MultiGrain Cheerios
if no other MQ = $.92-$1.17
printable MQ for Honey Nut Cheerios $.55/1 dbls to $1/1 + EQ = $.17/1
$.50/1 MQ MultiGrain Cheerios {1/25 SS} dbls to $1/1 + EQ = FREE with $.08/1 OVERAGE!!
{let's hope the multigrain is included!}
Ocean Spray Juice Cocktail $1.98/1
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Got Mail?

VocalPoint Sunkist Tuna MQs and recipes
Kotex samples and MQs
Orville Redenbacher sample and MQ

AND.........something NO ONE advertised--MQs for Heinz Ketchup!