Saturday, January 24, 2009

Humbling shopping trip

well, nothing like having to swallow my pride and admit my faults.....

What are those faults, you say? WELL.....for starters, I'm kinda scatterbrained.....

Went to Walgreen's to get one last deal on Dove shampoo and conditioner. My friend brought me some coupons so I could get the best deal possible (I only had 2 coupons, she gave me 6 more). GREAT!! Paying $.75/1 -12oz shampoo is a great deal, right? Got my 8 shampoos in the cart, went to check out and canNOT find my coupons!! Make excuses to the cashier and go stand in an aisle to search. After finally taking EVERYthing out of my bag, checking all my pockets twice, going thru all my coupon stashes, I'm debating--do I find my friend and admit what I did? UGH.....they were in my hand--and then--they weren't.........
Well, knowing I can't walk out without buying something and I don't want to pass up this incredible deal, I swallow my pride, humble myself and admit I am the most scatterbrained unorganized couponer you will ever find.........THEN, wal-la THERE they are! Stuck between pages in my photo/coupon holder.........I hand back the 2nd stack of coupons from dear friend who was in the midst of trying to rescue me from my brain fart and proceed to checkout.......

Thank goodness I did not have the kids--probably would've been shouting at them and crying in my despair (oh, how petty, I know!! it's shampoo for crying out loud!)
AHHH.............Just me...................


  1. Don't feel bad! I'm also a member of the "scatterbrained" couponers! lol I've had so many moments like that. sometimes I think I've still got "pregnant" brain!

  2. Thanks for the understanding and support!!
    As much as I try to be organized, God just did NOT create me like that!!!

  3. Aww...if I only had a dollar for every time I looked like a disorganized mess at the register, I would never have to use another coupon for the rest of my life! Whether or not anybody believes it, (and we both know it's true!) coupon-ing is a LOT of hard work, and mostly BRAINWORK- in order to wrap your mind around the "deals"! Not everybody can do what you know how to make magic happen with those coupons, AND homeschool your kids, AND be a chef, AND be a maid, AND be a good wife...need I go on??!! You're great! :)

  4. hehe!!
    You so know how to brighten my day!!
    Not sure I'd have to agree with the maid part--my house is a disaster *LOL* oh well--we're fed, clean, and schooled though!!
    It DOES take some brainpower--that's why I can't be shopping with cranky kids for TOO long--my brain turns to mush!!
