Well, it's been a year since my FIL died. Long year. His brothers had planned a 60th birthday get together with their trail riding buddies and everyone. He was going to be too sick to go and he ended up passing away 4 days before he would've been 60. We decided this gettogether should probably be an annual event. This year's "Spring Gathering" isn't looking too springy, but we headed out there for a few hours anyway. John's trying out a new tent and the kids and I are here in a nice comfy house--albeit quiet and townlike--no coyotes howling or wind either. The kids opted for sleeping bags around the floor of our bed. I forewarned John in case he headed home out of the storms in the dead of night........I keep checking the radar which shows rain as of right now, although the ice and snow could still arrive before dawn.
A few years ago, Papa built a train. Yes, one of those homemade little trains with actual 'cars'--it was the greatest invention EVER according to several little grandkids. It was actually quite inventive--made from dollies and big blue drums/barrells and pulled by whatever was running [lil tractor, lawn mower]....and of course, a caboose--can't forget the caboose--a desk chair attached by a rope to the last car--this was for a brave adult who could yell at kids to sit down and not jump ship....errr...train while it was moving. The train made several improvements over time, although my rear preferred to not ride and get so jostled it ached. Papa took the grandkids on quite the adventures though. Every Sunday or so, we gathered at Nanny and Papa's house--sent the kids outside if it was nice enough, and took it easy. I wish I would've ventured outside more and got to see what our kids saw, but at least they were happily building memories [and clubs and forts and whatever else they could think of]. Papa took them on a train ride thru the redwood forests, jungles, and who knows where else!! It is up for debate among a few where each of these great destinations are now. Perhaps they went to Heaven with Papa.........
The train. Yes, the train. Luke was not even 2 a year ago, but he associates his great idol Papa with the train. Papa lit up Luke's life. His eyes would sparkle and shine when Papa entered the room. Of course, part of this could have been the giant candy jar that papa always got down. Luke sure loved his suckers =).
Tonight, the train, of course, was out. It now has an actual engine and no caboose ~lol~ thanks to various church events and creative family members. Luke missed the rides and was sorely disappointed, so that when it was time for us to leave, I thought for sure I couldn't stop his tears. I explained that we could ride the train at Nanny's house sometime. He was comforted for a bit and then i realized why. "yeah," he said with an L, like lah, "we could ride it at Nanny's and Papa could drive it." oh, my heart wanted to stop. I stooped to explain that, no, remember? Papa died--a statement he himself had made upon arrival at the Baugh Ranch. "oh."
John decided he could drive that train around in the dark just once........and the smiles and laughter radiating from this one little boy? totally worth it.........
ahhhh.....one long year.......so many regrets. I try not to regret, but I regret not trying to preserve and remember....i wish SOOO badly that our kids could ALWAYS remember. He meant soooo much to them!!!